KCE Racing – special-event-races
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Text Channels / special-event-races
Streaming Dude #003 12/31/2021 12:02 PM
All, I am putting a GitR Done Racing car in the Roar coming up January 14-16, 2022. The roar is a solo endurance event. This 2.4 hour event will feature GT4’s, Touring Cars, and the Global MX-5. I will be running on Saturday at 12:00 Est. I actually may run it in many time slots but this time slot will be my main focus to have others join me if they would like. If anyone is interested in representing Git'R Done Racing and would like I can provide a Git'r Done Racing paint to run. Just let me know if your interested in running will me in that time slot or would like to represent with a pain so I can get the paints schemes setup. I think it would be really cool having a few of our drivers out there in Git'r Done Paint and running the field. (edited)
Michael Everhart 12/31/2021 12:03 PM
me……….. what car are you going to run
Streaming Dude #003 12/31/2021 12:04 PM
I'm running a GT4
12:04 PM
Don't know which yet. Looking now
Michael Everhart 12/31/2021 12:04 PM
there is only 3
Streaming Dude #003 12/31/2021 12:05 PM
If we all did the same car that'll be even more cool. But being a single person event it don't really matter. Just more I have to paint… I LOVE to paint
Gary Kipfer #9 12/31/2021 12:47 PM
I would like to run. Please provide me with which car and paint when you have it. I have no preference on the car. Thanks koko.
12:49 PM
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 12/31/2021 12:50 PM
That’s what it’s looking like
Trevor McManus 12/31/2021 12:53 PM
I'll be doing this in the civic if you want to make a gitr done logo layer
12:53 PM
I have to set up my monitors to be able to paint again miss painting
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 12/31/2021 12:54 PM
You can run a civic? Is that in the touring class?
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 12/31/2021 3:28 PM
From ( @Paintball_Dude72 ) my dad said something about the 24 hrs of daytona race. That sounds really fun. I have to work Saturdays until like 530pm or 6pm, then don't go back in till around 4pm or 430pm Sunday and get off at 530am or 6am, if you guys could use me. (edited)
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3:28 PM
(Moved to proper location)
3:33 PM
@Paintball_Dude72 we will be announcing intentions for the Daytona 24 within the next day. We will definitely see if we can work that schedule out to get you some seat time. The only problem is there is an IRacing rule that all drivers have to drive close to equal laps to count so the schedule will be critical. Once we see how many drivers we have we will get you in somehow. We will love to have you and anyone else that’s interested (edited)
Paintball_Dude72 12/31/2021 3:35 PM
Love that. That sounds like a lot of fun
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 12/31/2021 3:36 PM
It’s a blast. You just might be running 2 seat stints close to each other so you can get the laps in then some sleep before you go back to work…… lmao
Paintball_Dude72 12/31/2021 3:37 PM
Yeah, that's fine with me
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 12/31/2021 3:37 PM
Each seat stunt is about 2 hours
Paintball_Dude72 12/31/2021 3:37 PM
I can even do a double stint if necessary
3:37 PM
I'll Starr practicing for UT
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 12/31/2021 3:37 PM
Dependent on how many drivers are in the car
Paintball_Dude72 12/31/2021 3:37 PM
3:37 PM
Do you know if it'll be open setup or default?
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 12/31/2021 3:38 PM
It’s open
Paintball_Dude72 12/31/2021 3:38 PM
Awesome. I'll start working on something
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 12/31/2021 3:38 PM
But all of us will have one setup
Paintball_Dude72 12/31/2021 3:38 PM
Yeah, I'll go for stability and control
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 12/31/2021 3:38 PM
You can’t have multiple per drivers
Paintball_Dude72 12/31/2021 3:38 PM
Then yall can try out what I come up with as I have it
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 12/31/2021 3:38 PM
Kinda has to work for all of that makes sense
Paintball_Dude72 12/31/2021 3:39 PM
Yeah, I'll try to adjust it to be real good and drivable
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 12/31/2021 3:39 PM
It’s actually not a problem for most. (edited)
Paintball_Dude72 12/31/2021 3:39 PM
See if I can put together something faster than the default at least
3:39 PM
I'll get back to you after I've put some time in
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 12/31/2021 3:39 PM
3:40 PM
I get mine from vrs or pay for a good one if I need to (edited)
Paintball_Dude72 12/31/2021 3:41 PM
Yeah, I already pay for vrs, so I'll see if they have something and go from there.
Chris Sawallich 12/31/2021 7:13 PM
It’s about being safe. Fast is a plus, but clean, safe and consistent is where the race is won.
7:14 PM
It also has to be something that all drivers are comfortable in. Something’s it takes us weeks to get something everyone is happy with
💯 1
Chris Sawallich
It also has to be something that all drivers are comfortable in. Something’s it takes us weeks to get something everyone is happy with
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 12/31/2021 7:19 PM
Yes sir. Well said
Michael Everhart 12/31/2021 7:43 PM
I Double that Chris………slow and steady…. thats what she said anyways
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 12/31/2021 7:43 PM
Waking up at 3am to drive 2hrs…. that training starts immediately
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Ray Smith #72 1/1/2022 12:32 PM
I can do the ROAR but only on the 14th. I am on call the rest of the weekend. I don't own any GT4's but will purchase whatever one you choose. I am definitely interested in the 24 hour.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/5/2022 5:56 PM
I think Ed was giving the Porsche GT4 a ringing endorsement.
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 1/5/2022 6:21 PM
Yes… I really like the cayman
6:22 PM
Both the Porsche and the McLaren are fast. The McLaren is a little more edgy under braking. Porsche is solid and communicates it's intentions very well
Gary Kipfer #9 1/7/2022 12:21 PM
When can you sign up for the ROAR on iracing?
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 1/7/2022 12:29 PM
Before the session starts like any other official event. Next Friday thru sunday
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Gary Kipfer #9 1/7/2022 11:02 PM
Are the setups fixed? What is the best one to practice in? Baseline, Endurance, High Medium low downforce
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/7/2022 11:02 PM
it depends on what you are going to run for the race
11:03 PM
since you can have open setups
11:03 PM
It's NOT a fix setup race
11:03 PM
Mike and I are doing the Mclaren
11:03 PM
I am doing paints for them if you want to run it
Gary Kipfer #9 1/7/2022 11:15 PM
Yup, I have the McLaren also. Can you throw it up on trading paints when your done? I did a 72 minute test race tonight with 46 AIs equal with all 3 classes. I did 38 laps and 1 pitstop and took no tires. The car felt good.
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/7/2022 11:16 PM
will do
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11:16 PM
I will post link here when I have them. I plan to have at least 3 variations
11:16 PM
I have 2 already. Maybe 4 if I can
11:18 PM
I'll make them private and only available to members here
11:18 PM
Also I'm going to look for a fast setup for us to share if people want it
Gary Kipfer #9 1/7/2022 11:24 PM
Awesome. Thanks.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/8/2022 2:46 PM
Are we allowed to pass below the yellow line? I can while racing the AI, but not sure if allowed during the ROAR.
Gary Kipfer #9
Are we allowed to pass below the yellow line? I can while racing the AI, but not sure if allowed during the ROAR.
Ray Smith #72 1/8/2022 3:27 PM
Gary Kipfer #9 1/8/2022 3:39 PM
Thanks Ray.
Michael Everhart 1/9/2022 9:24 AM
where can we get a good setup for the roar from
Michael Everhart 1/9/2022 9:44 AM
yes sir
9:44 AM
thank you for the help
Chris Sawallich 1/9/2022 9:45 AM
Those are the pilot series sets for Daytona, so should be a good close start (edited)
Duchess ✈ 1/9/2022 9:45 AM
Ran some laps in the Hyundai, it’s awesome at Daytona
Chris Sawallich 1/9/2022 9:47 AM
Ive got some school work to do today, but am thinking about verifying your hype and trying it tonight if I have time
Streaming Dude #003 1/9/2022 9:48 AM
@Chris Sawallich Thank you very much. Saved me some time…. .You rock buddy
Michael Everhart 1/9/2022 9:48 AM
it's cup race night for us…
9:49 AM
i might set something up early this afternoon
Chris Sawallich 1/9/2022 9:49 AM
I was looking at Majors also, but they only have the sets for the TCR's and Mx-5 posted so far (edited)
Streaming Dude #003 1/9/2022 9:50 AM
I used to have VRS subscription but let it go because I wasn't using it.
Chris Sawallich 1/9/2022 9:52 AM
Yea, i don't know why I keep it either. Barely ever use it myself, although the telem has help me a alot when prepping for the big events. I rather support the smaller shops most of the time anyway. VRS has turned into a money grab
Streaming Dude #003 1/9/2022 9:53 AM
Yes, I use Z1 for telem now because it controls my 3 dash displays
9:54 AM
@everyone Here is what I have so far for the Daytona 24hr race. If you plan to run with us please give a thumbs up and I will add your name to the list so I can publish the schedule. Drivers: KoKoPuffs Mike Everhart Gary Kipfer Jeremy Rogers Ray Smith Todd Bosworth Spotters: JT Rogers (edited)
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Todd Bosworth #28 1/9/2022 10:51 AM
@Streaming Dude #003 I cant do the roar but I definitely want to do the 24
Todd Bosworth #28
@Streaming Dude #003 I cant do the roar but I definitely want to do the 24
Streaming Dude #003 1/9/2022 11:06 AM
You were added.
Todd Bosworth #28 1/9/2022 11:07 AM
Thank you
Todd Bosworth #28
Thank you
Streaming Dude #003 1/9/2022 11:10 AM
Ray Smith #72 1/9/2022 12:00 PM
So far my fastest laps have been with the Low Downforce baseline, slightly quicker than the VRS set but none of these is with full fuel load. The VRS set should be updated today or tomorrow.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/9/2022 12:02 PM
What lap time did you run? I got my fastest time with the baseline, but low downforce was very close.
12:03 PM
My fastest was 1:55.9 with consistent 1:56-57 times.
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/9/2022 12:04 PM
We can't really go off of one drivers fastest lap because we need a stable car as only one can be selected. So stability and consistency accross all of us is the key here. Multiple drivers make it hard to select a car that suites everyone. But lets all kepp that in mind when testing out all these cars
Gary Kipfer #9 1/9/2022 12:05 PM
Just trying to get an idea of how off I am compared to more experienced guys.
Ray Smith #72 1/9/2022 12:05 PM
1:54.1 with consistent mid 54,s but It also felt the most stable to me.
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Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/9/2022 12:05 PM
I would suggest we all test the same of the 3 can then see what each of us think. Then go with majority if that works for everyone
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Gary Kipfer #9 1/9/2022 12:06 PM
I think we are talking about the ROAR which is individual.
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/9/2022 12:06 PM
Ah, Thought you were talking 24. Sorry
12:06 PM
12:07 PM
I'm putting up a 24 text chat area
Gary Kipfer #9 1/9/2022 12:07 PM
No worries. BTW, this is fun. I think I am addicted to multiclass.
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Chris Sawallich 1/9/2022 12:10 PM
Wait until you finish your first 24, its such an accomplishemnt
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Gary Kipfer #9
No worries. BTW, this is fun. I think I am addicted to multiclass.
Ray Smith #72 1/9/2022 12:16 PM
Multiclass is fun. I did a lot of it it in the old Grand Touring series. It got to gimicky for me when they moved it all into the Production Car Challenge so I stopped. Pity though because in my opinion the FR500 Mustang is one the best learning platforms for GT classes. It should be good for people who are more oval oriented too. It feels more like a stock car. Big, heavy and under tired with enough power to get you in trouble but not be overwhelming.
Adam Brockway 6/3/2022 7:19 PM
So there was talk about potentially running a different car for the 6 hrs at Watkins to maybe the bmw. Which I’d be down for. Not to get too if track but would there be any people at all or interest in running a lmp2 class?
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 6/3/2022 11:42 PM
Adam I’m sorry but we run gt3 cars through our Git’r Done events. We are not a road league or a road team league. (edited)
Adam Brockway 6/3/2022 11:44 PM
no worries
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 6/3/2022 11:45 PM
If someone wants to run lmp2 then by all means please feel free to join one of the team leagues out there. Ed Adam’s runs a team league for events maybe you would like to reach out to him directly. We are kind of a feeder league for his team league. He lets guys like you race in the team cars and they run all types. We run gt3 to introduce guys to events
Adam Brockway 6/3/2022 11:45 PM
Can we get a poll going for Bathurst car, Up Arrow for Mustang, Down Arrow for Holden?
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2:37 AM
KCE Racing #3 9/11/2022 10:06 AM
We are running the mustang.
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Jack Jagerman 9/11/2022 1:11 PM
If you want some practice guys, the AI does a good job in iRacing as the track and cars are in there.
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Edwin Post #79 9/11/2022 2:50 PM
I’m seeing some Hosted Bathurst practice sessions showing up too. AI is really good though!
Is it open setup?
Gary Kipfer #9 9/11/2022 3:46 PM
Yes, endurance races are open. We normally get a VRS setup from the team to use.
Cool, guess we should try to practice with that if we can
Gary Kipfer #9 9/11/2022 4:37 PM
We will this week.
Gary Kipfer #9 9/13/2022 10:35 AM
@Jack Jagerman @Ray Smith #72 Do either of you have access to the VRS setup for the Ford Mustang for Bathurst?
Gary Kipfer #9
@Jack Jagerman @Ray Smith #72 Do either of you have access to the VRS setup for the Ford Mustang for Bathurst?
Jack Jagerman 9/13/2022 11:08 AM
I do. I can get it posted later today for the teams.
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Jack Jagerman
I do. I can get it posted later today for the teams.
Gary Kipfer #9 9/13/2022 11:11 AM
Thanks Danny.
👍 1
Pete Norquay #289 9/13/2022 2:19 PM
Most likely a dumb question but What Mustang is it??
Supercars Ford Mustang GT
Pete Norquay #289 9/13/2022 2:20 PM
Man that is one Ugly looking car
2:20 PM
well 12 bucks here we go
Jack Jagerman 9/13/2022 2:21 PM
Come on now, that's not ugly?!?!
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Edwin Post #79 9/13/2022 2:22 PM
Pretty damn fast! Easy to lose it with base Bathurst Setup
👍 1
2:22 PM
Nice job Danny!
Jack Jagerman 9/13/2022 2:28 PM
VRS Setup is here; it is for the Holden, but it does not make a difference as the Supercar setups are like the NASCAR setups, interchangeable.
👍🏻 2
nice!!! it would be sick if the white lines were chrome but it's still a beaut
Jack Jagerman 9/13/2022 2:29 PM
That car is not KoKo approved. It was only a thought when I had some extra time, but I do like that idea.
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do we know what session we are running sat?
Jack Jagerman 9/13/2022 2:55 PM
I'm hoping for some confirmation later today from KoKo. However, I would suspect the 12:00GMT/8am EST slot will be the one as it has been in the past.
Jack Jagerman 9/13/2022 3:05 PM
@wolfe @Pete Norquay #289 @Gary Kipfer #9 @Adam Brockway @Edwin Post #79 @whodatboy @Tim Kennedy #88 @Jamie Bray @KCE Racing #3 Hey guys! We are a few days away from the Bathurst 1000 (161 laps) team endurance event scheduled for Saturday, September 17th. Everyone tagged indicated interest in the event. I am reaching out in order to confirm driver count and establish the teams. The event should be approximately 6 hours in length (race time); three (3) drivers per team should be sufficient. The goal is to work the team rosters for a similar iRating for each team. Once the drivers are confirmed and teams established, there will be team captains for each to register the team on race day. MTF with scheduling and specific instructions.
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Tim Kennedy #88 9/13/2022 3:55 PM
I unfortunately can’t make this one.
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Ray Smith #72 9/13/2022 6:44 PM
This is one I wanted to make but too much on the go.
Fastest I have been able to run as of yet, just need to get consistency
Edwin Post #79 9/14/2022 12:35 AM
Yes consistency. I’ve got to find a smooth rhythm for a fuel run … ~20-laps w/ Bathurst setup. Did you get a fuel run tonight @wolfe ?
What time is the race Saturday? Won’t be home now until about 6 as my wife came up with some plans. I might have to sit this one out
Gary Kipfer #9 9/14/2022 8:42 AM
We do the Saturday morning 8am ET time slot.
getting better! And @Edwin Post #79 I am getting ~18.5 but I will run another this afternoon
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Pete Norquay #289 9/14/2022 12:58 PM
Thomas when will you be on this afternoon. I can not keep the tires planted car is very squirrely. Got it to 2:11.756..
Probs will be in GT3 practice this evening ~8 not 100% sure yet @Pete Norquay #289
Jack Jagerman 9/14/2022 2:50 PM
I will update the setup this evening that has 100% fuel load the current setup has 75%
Jack Jagerman
I will update the setup this evening that has 100% fuel load the current setup has 75%
Edwin Post #79 9/14/2022 3:00 PM
Thanks Danny!
Gary Kipfer #9 9/14/2022 3:34 PM
A couple of NOOB questions. Should I really be on the right side of the car? Why does the dash not work? How you stop the car from getting off the ground and loosing traction?
Gary Kipfer #9
A couple of NOOB questions. Should I really be on the right side of the car? Why does the dash not work? How you stop the car from getting off the ground and loosing traction?
Jack Jagerman 9/14/2022 3:35 PM
Lmao well technically you could move the cockpit camera over to the left, but the rest you’re on your own
Gary Kipfer #9 9/14/2022 4:52 PM
I did my first hour of testing. That was an interesting experience. Cannot run a fuel load without crashing yet, but I'm starting to figure it out.
Edwin Post #79 9/14/2022 5:14 PM
Yeah it’s been interesting for sure … not like the Ferrari lol. Took a few sessions to run 20 laps 0x.
I don't know if you guys use irffb but I adjusted my settings to this and it helped ALOT
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6:46 PM
Can feel the car slip and sit into corners a lot better
Pete Norquay #289 9/14/2022 7:22 PM
Ya I'm 87laps in to it second day. And finally getting a hang of it. The car is not the issue it's me. But just so you know I still don't like the FORDS. Just like the 84 fox body that I have it's Lucy goosy.
Pete Norquay #289 9/14/2022 7:32 PM
I won't be there tonight as I have internet issues. Also my wife has drag my ass to a Thursday baseball game Toronto against Tampa Bay I'm hoping to be 3 sheets to the wind by the time the game starts..
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Pete Norquay #289
I won't be there tonight as I have internet issues. Also my wife has drag my ass to a Thursday baseball game Toronto against Tampa Bay I'm hoping to be 3 sheets to the wind by the time the game starts..
Ray Smith #72 9/14/2022 7:38 PM
I've only been to one game at the Sky Dome and it was Jay's vs Ray's. Was up for the Molson Iindy with my son so I took him.
Pete Norquay #289 9/14/2022 7:46 PM
@Ray Smith #72 👍👍
Gary Kipfer #9 9/14/2022 11:26 PM
Another 30 laps in. Still cannot complete a fuel run without wrecking. But the car feels better. I guess I need to back it down a little.
Edwin Post #79 9/14/2022 11:32 PM
That’s what I’m finding too Gary. Got to throttle your way around particularly thru the Quarry all the way thru the Dipper … at least I do. Again thru Chase.
Pete Norquay #289 9/15/2022 7:09 AM
Got Roughly 22 laps on fuel run.
Do you guys blip throttle to downshift or shift with clutch and right foot brake?
Gary Kipfer #9 9/15/2022 10:50 AM
I cannot do the blip. I use the clutch and right foot brake.
Jack Jagerman 9/15/2022 10:54 AM
I didn’t get the full fuel load setup loaded yet. I recommended filling the tank before making any fuel runs.
10:54 AM
I think it fills at 29.3
Gary Kipfer #9 9/15/2022 10:55 AM
Yup, 29.3 gallons and about 25 laps.
Jack Jagerman 9/15/2022 10:58 AM
So the current spreadsheet shows eight stints; seven full and one stint around 18 laps. I know we’ve had a few drop out. In order to build the driver stints and see if we should run a second car or not, I need a driver confirmation for this weekend. (edited)
Gary Kipfer #9 9/15/2022 11:01 AM
👍 1
Jack Jagerman 9/15/2022 11:06 AM
Me too
I am in
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Pete Norquay #289 9/15/2022 3:39 PM
I'm in
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Jack Jagerman 9/15/2022 7:39 PM
Guys here is the setup with full fuel
7:45 PM
@Gary Kipfer #9 @wolfe @Pete Norquay #289 @Edwin Post #79 ok gents, it looks like it will be the five of us for Saturday morning. I haven't heard from @whodatboy or @Adam Brockway and @Jamie Bray has "honey-dos" on Saturday. I will build the schedule tonight after the race and hopefully publish it here. It looks like everyone will have one stint and three drivers will have two stints (the last being an almost stint).
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Edwin Post #79 9/15/2022 7:48 PM
I'm in. Remember I am 4-hrs earlier on AST.
Edwin Post #79
I'm in. Remember I am 4-hrs earlier on AST.
Jack Jagerman 9/15/2022 8:12 PM
damn, I guess I put you late on the schedule 🙂
😂 1
Jack Jagerman 9/15/2022 10:51 PM
@Gary Kipfer #9 @wolfe @Pete Norquay #289 @Edwin Post #79 here is the recommended scheduled. All times are EST except for Edwin's which "should" be his time zone. If anyone has an issue, please let me know as adjusts should be easy. Thomas, I broke up your second stint, but if you want them back to back let me know. I just thought you might want a break. This will be a tough one this weekend boys and if we finish, I'll be impressed. (edited)
10:53 PM
Yeah breaking them up is okay
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10:58 PM
Looks good to me! Think if we are able to keep the car clean, check up for spins on top the hill, we should finish pretty strong
Gary Kipfer #9 9/15/2022 11:02 PM
I will be on tomorrow night around 7:30 PM ET time if anybody wants to join the discord practice. If anybody needs practice getting in and out of the car or spotting, let me know.
This is my first enduro race
Gary Kipfer #9 9/15/2022 11:03 PM
We normally ask the next driver in the car to arrive early and spot for the person before them.
Probs would be good to prac the driver swap for me
Jack Jagerman 9/15/2022 11:03 PM
@wolfe what is your iRacing member #?
Gary Kipfer #9 9/15/2022 11:06 PM
We will cover that tomorrow Thomas. Its really easy.
Sounds good
Jack Jagerman 9/15/2022 11:43 PM
@wolfe @Edwin Post #79 @Pete Norquay #289 please accept the KCE Racing team invite in your "My Teams" area in the UI. This will place you on the team and is required. The team paint should load once Trading Paints updates.
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Edwin Post #79 9/16/2022 12:02 AM
Looks good Danny! Thanks for setting this up. Will try and make the practice session tomorrow.
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Pete Norquay #289 9/16/2022 7:02 PM
I won't be in practice tonight. Have a job scope that has to be resolved tonight.
Gary Kipfer #9 9/16/2022 7:10 PM
No worries. You're a vet when it comes to this.
I will be there to practice some
KCE Racing #3 9/16/2022 9:26 PM
good luck to all drivers tomorrow. HAve a great time
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Dale Clough 9/16/2022 9:37 PM
Good luck you filthy animals! Go burn some fuel and kill some tires!!!
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Eric Whiting 10/1/2022 8:49 PM
Unfortunately I’m scheduled for work on Saturday so Petit LeMans is out for me. If by chance I don’t work I would willing to jump in and spot f needed. Good luck gentlemen
Eric Whiting
Unfortunately I’m scheduled for work on Saturday so Petit LeMans is out for me. If by chance I don’t work I would willing to jump in and spot f needed. Good luck gentlemen
Edwin Post #79 10/2/2022 5:34 PM
Bummer Eric! Will miss your spotting expertise and typical hard racing stints!!
Eric Whiting 10/2/2022 5:35 PM
There is a good chance work gets canceled but won't know til late in the week. If I don't work spotting will likely be a possibility
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Gary Kipfer #9 10/4/2022 9:48 AM
@wolfe @Ray Smith #72 @Tony Jennings #253 @Michael Everhart @Adam Brockway @Edwin Post #79 @Todd Bosworth #28 @whodatboy @Eric Whiting Petit Le Mans 10 hours at Road Atlanta is this Saturday. We will be starting Saturday morning at 8 AM ET. Todd Bosworth and myself will be running the team this time. Please give me a thumbs up if you are planning to race. We will get the setup soon so you can start testing. We will be running the Ferrari. For anybody that needs help with driver swap and spotting, we will be doing that training Friday night at 7:30 PM ET. Let us know if you have any questions.
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9:48 AM
@Ray Smith #72 @Jack Jagerman Can you guys please provide the VRS Ferrari setup for Road Atlanta?
Gary Kipfer #9
@wolfe @Ray Smith #72 @Tony Jennings #253 @Michael Everhart @Adam Brockway @Edwin Post #79 @Todd Bosworth #28 @whodatboy @Eric Whiting Petit Le Mans 10 hours at Road Atlanta is this Saturday. We will be starting Saturday morning at 8 AM ET. Todd Bosworth and myself will be running the team this time. Please give me a thumbs up if you are planning to race. We will get the setup soon so you can start testing. We will be running the Ferrari. For anybody that needs help with driver swap and spotting, we will be doing that training Friday night at 7:30 PM ET. Let us know if you have any questions.
Dale Clough 10/4/2022 4:37 PM
I can't run Petit but I can run practice with you on Friday night and be a moving chicane or angry LMP2 driver if you want… Lemme know….
Gary Kipfer #9 10/4/2022 4:38 PM
The more the merrier on Friday.
Gary Kipfer #9
The more the merrier on Friday.
Dale Clough 10/4/2022 4:39 PM
In which role would you like me? Slow and unpredictable GT3 or aggressive LMP2?
Gary Kipfer #9 10/4/2022 4:47 PM
We get pretty low splits and do not normally have LMP2s on the track. So, probably the GT3 option.
👍🏻 1
Ray Smith #72 10/4/2022 5:07 PM
Here are all the sets. Unfortunately I have a commitment on Sunday that does not include my wife so there is no way I would get away with two days on a long weekend without her. Nor do I want to, so no soup for me again. I will make Suzuka for sure, already cleared it. And like Dale I will be happy to be a nuisance for you guys in practice on Friday (edited)
👍 1
Edwin Post #79 10/4/2022 5:16 PM
Thank you @Ray Smith #72! @Gary Kipfer #9 … will we be using the _R1 or _R1_SAFE?
Gary Kipfer #9 10/4/2022 5:48 PM
Try both and let me know what you think.
Eric Whiting 10/5/2022 2:21 AM
Unfortunately I can't drive this weekend but may be able to spot depending on work. Won't know til Friday for sure
I should be able to run on Friday night but I'm in the same boat as Eric about work. 50/50 if work gets canceled
I should be able to run on Friday night but I'm in the same boat as Eric about work. 50/50 if work gets canceled
Gary Kipfer #9 10/5/2022 9:36 AM
Jarred. We need drivers that are 100% sure. We need to create a schedule and get teams setup in iracing ahead of time. Due to fair share, if a driver cannot drive, the whole team gets disqualified. We will get you next time.
9:37 AM
@Tony Jennings #253 @Adam Brockway @Michael Everhart Last call guys. We will be putting the schedule together later today. (edited)
Gary Kipfer #9 10/5/2022 3:36 PM
Please use this setup for the race.
👍🏻 1
Tony Jennings #253 10/5/2022 7:35 PM
Sorry . bad timing, family visiting this weekend
Gary Kipfer #9 10/5/2022 7:37 PM
Ok, thanks.
Gary if you need a driver I can run, I will be home Saturday. But if you’re set, good luck guys!!
Jamie Bray
Gary if you need a driver I can run, I will be home Saturday. But if you’re set, good luck guys!!
Gary Kipfer #9 10/5/2022 9:04 PM
One more would be great. 5 drivers, 10 hours. The math works.
I won’t be home until Friday night to start my practice but yeah I will do it with you guys. Count me in
👍 1
Gary Kipfer #9 10/5/2022 10:14 PM
It's not a tough track and pretty common on the schedule. If you have run it before, it's easy to get up to speed.
👍 1
Gary Kipfer #9 10/5/2022 10:28 PM
@KCE Racing #3 The team is set. 5 drivers, two hours each. @Todd Bosworth #28 @Edwin Post #79 @wolfe @Gary Kipfer #9 and @Jamie Bray.
👍🏻 2
KCE Racing #3 10/5/2022 10:36 PM
Will put the team in IRacing and send invites in the morning
👍 3
Gary Kipfer #9 10/5/2022 10:36 PM
We drive the Ferrari and the setup we will be using is posted above my me. We start Saturday morning with practice at 8 am ET, qualifying at 8:30 am ET, race starts 8:40 am. 10 hours of fun. The goal is to have fun, race smart, race clean, and pass all the wreckers. We will have testing Friday at 7:30 pm ET for anybody that needs instructions on driver change, spotting, and getting into the session. Schedule will be out tomorrow. We need to make sure we are friends in iracing and friends with Koko and his streaming account under Janice Tarson.
💯 1
Gary Kipfer #9
It's not a tough track and pretty common on the schedule. If you have run it before, it's easy to get up to speed.
Thank you… Yeah I have raced it before so I know the track pretty well. I will try to join up with you guys on friday night
Edwin Post #79 10/5/2022 10:56 PM
I like the setup @Gary Kipfer #9. I have the BB up to 54 … might try 55 next. Thanks!
Gary Kipfer #9
@KCE Racing #3 The team is set. 5 drivers, two hours each. @Todd Bosworth #28 @Edwin Post #79 @wolfe @Gary Kipfer #9 and @Jamie Bray.
KCE Racing #3 10/6/2022 9:49 AM
All team invites sent from Pete KopKo and friend requests from Janice Tarson. Please accept in IRacing.
👍🏻 1
Gary Kipfer #9 10/6/2022 2:45 PM
2:46 PM
Does this schedule work for everybody? @Todd Bosworth #28 @Edwin Post #79 @wolfe @Jamie Bray
👍🏻 4
Good luck Team KCE! Go get em!
👍 7
Todd Bosworth #28 10/6/2022 11:35 PM
@wolfe Don't forget to accept your KCE racing team invitation in iracing. You can find it in your team tab
Robert Ernspiker Jr #248 10/7/2022 8:34 AM
Good luck guys
👍 2
KCE Racing #3 10/7/2022 9:08 AM
@Gary Kipfer #9 Just a heads up @wolfe did NOT accept the invite yet. @wolfe please accept the invite in IRacing for KCE Racing Team as well as the friend request from Janice Tarson
Oh sorry I will do it now!
KCE Racing #3 10/7/2022 9:35 AM
Looks good on the team side.
9:36 AM
Also looks good on the "Friends" side. Thank you @wolfe
👍 2
Gary Kipfer #9
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Jack Jagerman 10/7/2022 9:38 AM
Good luck team! Enjoy the race.
👍🏻 1
Gary Kipfer #9 10/7/2022 12:02 PM
@Todd Bosworth #28 Todd Bosworth #28 @Edwin Post #79 Edwin Post #79 @wolfe Thomas Wolfe #23 @Jamie Bray #99 I will be in practice voice channel tonight at 7:30 PM ET. Its not mandatory if your comfortable with the track and have done endurance races before. If you need help with how to join the race, how to spot, and how to swap drivers, please join and we can cover that. Iracing has practice servers set up for Petit Le Mans and we will jump into one of those servers. I plan to be there from 7:30 to 9:30. For the race tomorrow, please join one hour before your race schedule to help spot for the driver before you. This will get you familiar with the drivers you might be racing around on your stint. Of course your welcome to be their any other times also. (edited)
👍🏻 1
Gary Kipfer #9
@Todd Bosworth #28 Todd Bosworth #28 @Edwin Post #79 Edwin Post #79 @wolfe Thomas Wolfe #23 @Jamie Bray #99 I will be in practice voice channel tonight at 7:30 PM ET. Its not mandatory if your comfortable with the track and have done endurance races before. If you need help with how to join the race, how to spot, and how to swap drivers, please join and we can cover that. Iracing has practice servers set up for Petit Le Mans and we will jump into one of those servers. I plan to be there from 7:30 to 9:30. For the race tomorrow, please join one hour before your race schedule to help spot for the driver before you. This will get you familiar with the drivers you might be racing around on your stint. Of course your welcome to be their any other times also. (edited)
Dale Clough 10/7/2022 3:19 PM
Are you hosting a practice or jumping in an official? I have some frustration to work out and harassing y’all to help prep for the real event feels like a good time.
😂 1
Gary Kipfer #9 10/7/2022 3:21 PM
Jumping into official.
👍🏻 1
Greg Ratliff #5 10/7/2022 5:57 PM
Good luck tomorrow !
👍 2
Ken Huff #246 10/7/2022 9:14 PM
Good luck to you guys. Hope you do well.
👍 2
Gary Kipfer #9 10/7/2022 9:35 PM
Thanks Ken. We will have to get you in on one of our endurance races next year.
@Toadman session is # 632 (edited)
KCE Racing #3 10/8/2022 6:49 PM
Great job fellas. Awsome job
👍 4
Thanks everyone! Had a blast!
Great job everyone. Sorry I looped it on the first run, just a lack of practice and talent. Redeemed myself on the second one. So so much fun. Always wanted to do this so thank you for having me on the team!! Look forward to many more hopefully. (edited)
🏆 3
Gary Kipfer #9 10/8/2022 8:52 PM
Thanks for racing with me today guys. So much fun.
🙌 3
@Toadman session is # 632 (edited)
Thanks so much bud. You guys did great. They are so much fun and so different from what I (we) normally do. I don't like turning right, but I do love being on one of our endurance teams when I can.
Just finished watching all 10 hours. Great job everyone
Greg Ratliff #5 10/9/2022 11:49 AM
Good job guys watching from work between jobs made me want to be out there with you guys .
Gary Kipfer #9 10/9/2022 12:04 PM
Suzuki 10 hours in a month.
Gary Kipfer #9
Suzuki 10 hours in a month.
I am in
Thanks so much bud. You guys did great. They are so much fun and so different from what I (we) normally do. I don't like turning right, but I do love being on one of our endurance teams when I can.
Ray Smith #72 10/9/2022 1:20 PM
Derek Cook2 10/14/2022 9:02 PM
anyone going to run the daytona 24
KCE Racing #3 10/14/2022 9:04 PM
We run it every year
Gary Kipfer #9 10/14/2022 9:08 PM
We run all the special events. Suzuki 10 hours is in November. Join us on Thursday for GT3 racing if your interested. If your not C license in road, you need to be to participate. There is also the ROAR a week before Daytona. It's a solo event and a great event also.
Derek Cook2 10/15/2022 7:58 AM
I'm B class in road, I had ran the 24 the last 2 years. I was hoping to find a group that took it a little more serious than my past teams. the ROAR is a really fun event, those weeks of daytona are my favorite road stuff
I did the d24 this year and my only claim to fame was ending my first stint in 3rd place, then the driver swap happened and about 20 minutes in their pc locked up at the busstop and sent us in for about I think 30 minutes of repairs. After they got back on track and going and it was pretty smooth from their. Tho I headed to bed around midnight so didn't get to catch any of the late night stuff but aparently went in for repairs a lot more than I had hoped. Woke up and dragged that car to the finish for the last 4 hours. Somehow made it home but sadly in 30th. Didn't matter tho, was happy as hell to say we finished a 24hr race
Gary Kipfer #9 10/15/2022 10:25 AM
With endurance our goals are to have fun, run clean, be consistent, and we always finish. We finished in the top 10 about 25% of the time. I think the worse I've seen was 19th. It's always a good time with a supportive group.
💯 3
Consistency is really key over the 24hr.
Derek Cook2 10/15/2022 8:12 PM
if you can keep the car out of trouble and moving on the track, everything should work out
I know in the past we have stuck with the Ferrari, could we potentially do a poll on what car to race for Sazuka? All good if not @KCE Racing #3
KCE Racing #3 10/29/2022 4:04 PM
Sorry. The events are locked into the Ferrari as it is the most stable platform for our drivers New to events.
I did the d24 this year and my only claim to fame was ending my first stint in 3rd place, then the driver swap happened and about 20 minutes in their pc locked up at the busstop and sent us in for about I think 30 minutes of repairs. After they got back on track and going and it was pretty smooth from their. Tho I headed to bed around midnight so didn't get to catch any of the late night stuff but aparently went in for repairs a lot more than I had hoped. Woke up and dragged that car to the finish for the last 4 hours. Somehow made it home but sadly in 30th. Didn't matter tho, was happy as hell to say we finished a 24hr race
heh that was me whoops
4:50 PM
no lock ups this year i swear
All good! Thought I’d ask that’s all
Gary Kipfer #9 11/8/2022 11:05 AM
@Tony J #253 @Michael Everhart 7 @Edwin Post #79 @Todd Bosworth #28 @whodatboy @Eric Whiting #13 @Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 @Pete Norquay #289 @Gary Kipfer #9 @Tim Kennedy #88 @Ed "Larson" Adams #205 Suzuka 10 hours is this Saturday. We will be starting Saturday morning at 8 AM ET. Please give me a thumbs up if you are planning to race. We will get the setup soon so you can start testing. We will be running the Ferrari. For anybody that needs help with driver swap and spotting, we will be doing that training Friday night at 7:30 PM ET. Let us know if you have any questions. @Ray Smith #72 #21 @Jack Jagerman Can you guys please provide the VRS Ferrari setup for Suzuka? (edited)
👍 9
Todd Bosworth #28 11/9/2022 1:30 PM
@Jack Jagerman @Gary Kipfer #9 @KCE Racing #3 I can race Saturday but I would need to be done by3 est.
Todd Bosworth #28
@Jack Jagerman @Gary Kipfer #9 @KCE Racing #3 I can race Saturday but I would need to be done by3 est.
Gary Kipfer #9 11/9/2022 1:31 PM
I'm sure we can schedule that.
Can't make this one but good luck guys!
Michael Everhart 11/9/2022 4:59 PM
I am waiting to hear if I am getting something delivered on Saturday, If I don't hear anything by tomorrow I should be ok to race.
Tony Jennings #253 11/10/2022 7:55 PM
Gary Kipfer #9 11/11/2022 1:21 AM
1:22 AM
Does this schedule work for everybody? @KCE Racing #3 @Eric Whiting @Todd Bosworth #28 @Edwin Post #79 @Ed "Larson" Adams #205 @Jack Jagerman @Tony Jennings #253 @Pete Norquay #289
👍🏻 8
Gary Kipfer #9 11/11/2022 1:32 AM
I will be on Friday night at 7:30 pm Eastern. If anybody needs instructions on how to spot, change drivers, etc. We can cover it. Danny posted the setup we will use.
Gary Kipfer #9
Does this schedule work for everybody? @KCE Racing #3 @Eric Whiting @Todd Bosworth #28 @Edwin Post #79 @Ed "Larson" Adams #205 @Jack Jagerman @Tony Jennings #253 @Pete Norquay #289
Edwin Post #79 11/11/2022 1:44 AM
Sounds good for me. 2 hour stint will be a challenge … won’t be drinking too much coffee for one.
Hey folks! I’m back from the void, lots going on at home and work this time of year. I’ll keep an eye out for y’all in the Suzuka race. Good luck regardless!!!
Dale Clough
Hey folks! I’m back from the void, lots going on at home and work this time of year. I’ll keep an eye out for y’all in the Suzuka race. Good luck regardless!!!
Edwin Post #79 11/11/2022 12:32 PM
Glad you’re back! May the (Down)Force be with Us!
👍🏻 5
🤣 4
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 11/11/2022 1:43 PM
@Gary Kipfer #9 ill need a team invite for that car.. if u have not sent one already.
👍 1
Gary Kipfer #9 11/11/2022 1:44 PM
Koko will be doing this today.
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 11/11/2022 1:44 PM
78890 is my iracing number to confirm
Gary Kipfer #9
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Eric Whiting 11/11/2022 4:19 PM
Works for me. I will likely be on most of the race to help with strategy and spotting as usual.
I know it's last minute but you guys got room for 1 more driver, even if it's only an hour?
4:44 PM
Daytona 24 and Sebring 12h Winner, know how to keep it on track and not bin the car
I know it's last minute but you guys got room for 1 more driver, even if it's only an hour?
Gary Kipfer #9 11/11/2022 5:07 PM
Sorry Jay. We have the rosters already completed for the two cars. When we have two teams, we try to balance the IR so we get into the same race. Looking forward to racing with you soon.
KCE Racing #3 11/11/2022 5:07 PM
ALL, You have an invite into a KCERacing team for tomorrow please accept invite or you will not be able to race. IRacing need you in there to allow you to join in the race.
👍 1
KCE Racing #3
ALL, You have an invite into a KCERacing team for tomorrow please accept invite or you will not be able to race. IRacing need you in there to allow you to join in the race.
Edwin Post #79 11/11/2022 6:20 PM
@KCE Racing #3 I don't see an invite in iRacing/Teams for this event. I'm on an existing Team joined w/ you, Todd and Eric in 2019. ??
KCE Racing #3 11/11/2022 6:29 PM
That’s cool. You should be good Edwin
👍🏻 1
Tony Jennings #253 11/11/2022 6:33 PM
@KCE Racing #3 Just saw the post to accept invite to the team. Is the invite in Iracing? I will look for it and accept it in about 30 minutes if that works.
Gary Kipfer #9 11/11/2022 6:34 PM
Yes, iracing, teams area. Look for Kce team 2. Click on it and accept.
Tony Jennings #253 11/11/2022 6:57 PM
@Gary Kipfer #9 will do thanks! (edited)
Gary Kipfer #9 11/11/2022 10:13 PM
@Pete Norquay #289 We need you to accept koko's team invite for car 2 tonight. We cannot add you as a driver in the morning at 6am without that. Thanks. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Tony Jennings #253 11/11/2022 10:21 PM
Thanks to everyone for the help tonight, it really helped, I look forward to watching both teams and racing on the team.
👍🏻 1
Michael Everhart 11/11/2022 10:21 PM
we are going to have a blast buddy
💯 1
Tony Jennings #253
Thanks to everyone for the help tonight, it really helped, I look forward to watching both teams and racing on the team.
KCE Racing #3 11/11/2022 10:55 PM
You're welcome. Can't wait to run with you all
KCE Racing #3 11/11/2022 11:38 PM
Trying to get these for us to run. Instead of same car. Just a quick reverse on colors. Lets hope they load……. (edited)
👍 2
parrot 1
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 11/12/2022 6:17 AM
@Pete Norquay #289 are you able to accept
6:18 AM
we need you to do so
Good luck guys
Todd Bosworth #28 11/12/2022 10:23 AM
Todd 8014106052
hows it going boys
Todd Bosworth #28 11/12/2022 11:14 AM
6th and 19th at the moment
Good run boys!
💯 1
Tim Kennedy #88 11/12/2022 5:47 PM
Good job all!
👍🏻 1
KCE Racing #3 11/12/2022 5:54 PM
Great job all. It was a great event once again.
🏆 1
KCE Racing #3 11/12/2022 6:05 PM
Sorry to my team for the accident that put us behind the 8 Ball to start
Eric Whiting 11/12/2022 6:10 PM
Awesome run guys. Had both cars in the top 10 at one point. Tough day at a tough track. Sorry for all the X's during my stints and the damage. With all the trouble I had outside the car I've gotta think it effected my driving (inconsistent and slow).
6:12 PM
@KCE Racing #3 that wasn't your fault, wrong place at the wrong time.
Eric Whiting
Awesome run guys. Had both cars in the top 10 at one point. Tough day at a tough track. Sorry for all the X's during my stints and the damage. With all the trouble I had outside the car I've gotta think it effected my driving (inconsistent and slow).
KCE Racing #3 11/12/2022 6:19 PM
As long as you had fun it was a great run. Xs were tough not to get at this track. Everyone has good runs
👍 2
Edwin Post #79 11/12/2022 7:33 PM
Had an awesome time driving my stint and watching our KCE Racing Teams compete. Really proud to be with this League! Thanks @KCE Racing #3 !
👍 4
Michael Everhart 11/12/2022 8:08 PM
Danny awesome job for getting to see what 1st place is like in one of these events, Sorry I could not keep it up there. But I did keep the car in pretty good shape. Tony you did an awesome for your first run. Gary great job as well…. as a whole the team walks away with 5th place, 38 incent points for a 10 hour run.. As been stated from the other team Koko and Gary thank you for your hard work for making this a great event. Team 1 as many times that you guys were kicked down… you guys kept on fighting, you all never gave up….. As the first year closes for these special events this league has shown what fun these events can be. Looking forward to next year and hoping that I can put more time in to it…….
👍 6
💯 5
Ray Smith #72 11/12/2022 9:22 PM
Good job boys!!!
Tony Jennings #253 11/12/2022 11:09 PM
Yes, thanks to: Koko and Gary for putting it together, Danny it was amazing to watch you thread your way from the back all the way to a First place in the Your stint, Mike watching you get around the track and keeping us in contention helped me not be quite so anxious. I had a great time but really was slow, but then Gary comes in and lays down some really good laps to make up for most of my slowness. Nice Team to be on. On top of all that Ed Adams and Danny shared some insights into the basic in car adjustments that made the car so much easier to drive, there would have been a lot more x’s on my stint if not for their help. And lastly, thanks to Edwin for talking me into trying the endurance race it really was a lot of fun. I’m sure I missed some people, but it’s a great league to be a part of. (edited)
👍 5
Michael Everhart
Danny awesome job for getting to see what 1st place is like in one of these events, Sorry I could not keep it up there. But I did keep the car in pretty good shape. Tony you did an awesome for your first run. Gary great job as well…. as a whole the team walks away with 5th place, 38 incent points for a 10 hour run.. As been stated from the other team Koko and Gary thank you for your hard work for making this a great event. Team 1 as many times that you guys were kicked down… you guys kept on fighting, you all never gave up….. As the first year closes for these special events this league has shown what fun these events can be. Looking forward to next year and hoping that I can put more time in to it…….
Great job to all involved.
Jack Jagerman 11/13/2022 10:16 AM
I had a great time yesterday, as always, running the endurance race. It is always a blast doing these events and watching the chaos that comes with it. Looking forward to the next one… let’s go to Daytona baby!!!
Greg Ratliff #5 11/13/2022 11:32 AM
Congrats to all the drivers who participated I want to try this some time in the future looked like fun !
👍 1
Gary Kipfer #9 11/13/2022 11:34 AM
It's a blast. Acting as a team takes it to a whole new level.
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 11/13/2022 2:25 PM
My personal conversation to self as I closed in on the car hounding Gary for position, knowing im faster…..
👍 4
🤣 5
2:27 PM
The "my huckleberry " comment just about had me laughing which would not have been good on track.. lmao (edited)
Todd Bosworth #28 11/13/2022 2:34 PM
Ha ha. Actually that wasnt me, I think maybe Edwin. Classic though🤣
2:35 PM
You tee'd him up and showed him the exit
🤣 1
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 11/13/2022 2:59 PM
Yeah. I just realized it was Edwin when I seen stream. @Edwin Post #79
Ed "Larson" Adams #205
Yeah. I just realized it was Edwin when I seen stream. @Edwin Post #79
Edwin Post #79 11/13/2022 3:06 PM
… know I too have the force! Trust in the power of the down-force! Lmoa!
3:08 PM
😂 1
Edwin Post #79 1/10/2023 5:00 PM
Where do I register for a Roar session? Is registration open? Thanks!!
Edwin Post #79
Where do I register for a Roar session? Is registration open? Thanks!!
Jack Jagerman 1/10/2023 5:01 PM
It will be open on Saturday morning one hour before the race.
5:02 PM
KCE Team Paint for the Toyota GR86 is posted in the paintbooth section. I uploaded it to Trading Paints for ease of use. Enjoy!
Todd Bosworth #28 1/10/2023 5:02 PM
Nice job!!!! @Jack Jagerman
👍 1
Todd Bosworth #28
Nice job!!!! @Jack Jagerman
Jack Jagerman 1/10/2023 5:03 PM
Glad you like it Todd. Hate I will not be out there running it with you guys, but I will be there for the 24!
Todd Bosworth #28 1/10/2023 5:04 PM
What time slot is everyone running?
Edwin Post #79
Where do I register for a Roar session? Is registration open? Thanks!!
Gary Kipfer #9 1/10/2023 5:04 PM
Jack Jagerman
KCE Team Paint for the Toyota GR86 is posted in the paintbooth section. I uploaded it to Trading Paints for ease of use. Enjoy!
Edwin Post #79 1/10/2023 5:05 PM
Thanks Danny! Bummer you can’t make it bud!!
Edwin Post #79
Where do I register for a Roar session? Is registration open? Thanks!!
Gary Kipfer #9 1/10/2023 5:05 PM
Four times lots. Race the one that fits your schedule.
Edwin Post #79 1/10/2023 5:59 PM
Is there somewhere on the UI to preview time slots? Thanks Gary
Edwin Post #79
Is there somewhere on the UI to preview time slots? Thanks Gary
Todd Bosworth #28 1/10/2023 6:00 PM
Gary posted above
Edwin Post #79
Is there somewhere on the UI to preview time slots? Thanks Gary
Gary Kipfer #9 1/10/2023 7:03 PM
The servers should have practice available all week. The actual races will show closer to Friday. You just need to register just prior to the start time.
Todd Bosworth #28
Gary posted above
Edwin Post #79 1/10/2023 9:20 PM
Yeah …. That’s the GK preview. But where is that on the UI?? LOL 🤣
Gary Kipfer #9
The servers should have practice available all week. The actual races will show closer to Friday. You just need to register just prior to the start time.
Edwin Post #79 1/10/2023 9:23 PM
Thanks Gary! That helps specially when Todd pointed me to your “post ed above”! (edited)
Eric Whiting 1/11/2023 11:04 AM
I will be running the first race on Friday evening. My daughter has a volleyball tournament on Saturday or I would run the last 2 also
11:04 AM
I am going to run the Merc in GT4
👍🏻 1
Pete Norquay #289 1/12/2023 3:30 AM
question can we run any car ?? If that is the case in need to paint the Porsche 718..
Pete Norquay #289
question can we run any car ?? If that is the case in need to paint the Porsche 718..
KCE Racing #3 1/12/2023 7:20 AM
As you know we normally run the Ferrari for all KCE Racing team events we coordinate. BUT, being this is a solo event you can run whatever they allow in the Roar. I will post a links to the KCE Racing paints that I have in case people are running cars I have paints for and want to support the league while running the Roar. (edited)
👍 1
KCE Racing #3 1/13/2023 3:21 PM
IMPORTANT DAYTONA 24 MESSAGE! Currently the follow KCE drivers are registered to race the Daytona 24 team event. @wolfe @Pete Norquay #289 @Michael Everhart @Jack Jagerman @Eric Whiting @Gary Kipfer #9 @Nathan Robinson #212 @Todd Bosworth #28 @Tim Kennedy #88 @Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 Please reply by clicking the 👍 below if you are still good to go and wanting to race this KCE Racing event and click the 🇽 if you can not attend this event NO LATER THEN MONDAY NIGHT 1/16/2023 AT 11:59pm. If you do not respond by this time you will not be placed on a team for this event. On Tuesday we will be building the teams. With the current numbers we plan on running 2 cars. As you know we will use the Ferrari as we do for all KCE Racing events. This is going to be a great event and tons of fun as always so lets confirm and get ready to have some late night laughs and one hell of a race. (edited)
👍 11
🇽 3
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 1/13/2023 4:41 PM
Good luck Roar drivers… ill be over on the inglorious Basterds team channel for this one.
👍 2
Eric Whiting 1/13/2023 4:46 PM
Good luck @Ed "Larson" Adams #205. I'm loading in right now.
Todd Bosworth #28 1/13/2023 5:42 PM
Dario and Eric are in the same race
Great job Eric!!
8:11 PM
Great job Dario.. fun watching you guys
ya eric was way cleaner out there, i was giving KCE Mowers a good showing tho haha. was a fun race and a good time
8:20 PM
also dont think i caught the good job over the air there Koko but thank you man
👍 1
Todd Bosworth #28 1/14/2023 12:23 AM
If anyone wants to run the GR86 at Daytona here is a setup for the roar
Todd Bosworth #28
If anyone wants to run the GR86 at Daytona here is a setup for the roar
KCE Racing #3 1/14/2023 4:54 AM
Thank you
Edwin Post #79 1/14/2023 5:21 AM
Good race tonight/morning! Ran the 2nd ROAR session … GT86, 7th Place 0x. Time for bed! You all have a good ROAR!
👍 7
Edwin Post #79
Good race tonight/morning! Ran the 2nd ROAR session … GT86, 7th Place 0x. Time for bed! You all have a good ROAR!
KCE Racing #3 1/14/2023 5:23 AM
Great job Edwin.
Edwin Post #79 1/14/2023 5:27 AM
Thanks @KCE Racing #3 !! 😀
Eric Whiting 1/14/2023 9:01 AM
Great Job @Edwin Post #79
👏 1
Good job Edwin! Nice job with the 0x too!
🙌 1
Michael Everhart 1/14/2023 10:07 AM
Nice job Edwin congrats buddy
💯 2
Great job out there Todd!! Had the stream up on the tv
Michael Everhart 1/14/2023 2:10 PM
Great job Todd….. 3rd in class
Good run!
😎 2
👍🏻 2
🙏 1
Great job Todd! I wonder if that poor guy made it to the bathroom in time XD
Edwin Post #79 1/14/2023 2:25 PM
Way to go @Todd Bosworth #28 ! P3 in class … I should’ve grabbed your setup, but it came across a bit too close to my start time. It was a fun run even though. (edited)
Todd Bosworth #28 1/14/2023 2:30 PM
Thanks guys it was a lot of fun.
👍 2
2:31 PM
Good job Edwin and Eric and Dario!
Gary Kipfer #9 1/14/2023 2:31 PM
Good job Todd. How much IR did you gain?
Todd Bosworth #28 1/14/2023 2:31 PM
🤣 3
Gary Kipfer #9 1/14/2023 2:31 PM
That’s a good number right there
Eric Whiting 1/14/2023 3:29 PM
Great job @Todd Bosworth #28. I saw it was being streamed, I will have to watch it now that I'm home.
Just a heads up, I am assuming we are doing Saturday 7AM EST race, I will not be able to drive until that evening, will be gone most the day Saturday
2:23 PM
Willing to go overnight stints
Gary Kipfer #9 1/16/2023 2:24 PM
You head it. Thomas taking 2am until 6am.
😳 1
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/16/2023 3:35 PM
Here's the setups we will be using for the Daytona 24hr Race. Throughout the week we will determine if we run Safe or Race setup. These setups say they car run 1.44.3s
👍🏻 3
Gary Kipfer #9 1/16/2023 3:45 PM
I guess that have never meet my driving
I will be home about 4:15 pm Saturday, I am available from 5pm until 8am
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/16/2023 8:19 PM
If you have not done so yet please give Thumbs Up on this post by 11:59pm this evening or you will not be placed onm the roster. https://discord.com/channels/895676486198116412/926517487317712907/1063553458373922937
Michael Everhart 1/16/2023 8:38 PM
i am not going to be able to run this year….. I will be more than glad to spot when I can if you need that…. too much junk going on here with my mother in law…. What now a great big bottle of something strong to drink would do me very well….. (edited)
😢 2
Are you guys stilla ccepting more drivers?
10:59 PM
@Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3
KCE Racing #3 1/16/2023 10:59 PM
can i sign up
11:00 PM
i can't do multiple runs, but defenately a 2run stint i think
KCE Racing #3 1/16/2023 11:00 PM
If you want in please click the thumbs up and the event interested
11:00 PM
Yes sir
ok i clicked the thumbs up on that thread up there
KCE Racing #3 1/16/2023 11:01 PM
click interested in the events at the top
ok i think i got it
KCE Racing #3 1/16/2023 11:02 PM
Thanks boss
KCE Racing #3 1/16/2023 11:02 PM
glad to have you
Gary Kipfer #9 1/16/2023 11:39 PM
@Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 @Edwin Post #79 @Eric Whiting @Jack Jagerman @Jamie Bray @Savitar87c @Nathan Robinson #212 @Pete Norquay #289 @wolfe @Tim Kennedy #88 @Todd Bosworth #28 @Gary Kipfer #9 We have 12 drivers for the Daytona 24 hours and have created 2 teams of 6 drivers. Each driver will run 2 stints of 2 hours each. We start at approximately 7:40 AM Eastern time on Saturday. We will create the schedule by Wednesday. I need to know if there are any times you CANNOT drive now. Thanks
11:40 PM
This is what I have so far. Jamie Bray #99 — Today at 4:37 PM I will be home about 4:15 pm Saturday, I am available from 5pm until 8am
Gary Kipfer #9
@Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 @Edwin Post #79 @Eric Whiting @Jack Jagerman @Jamie Bray @Savitar87c @Nathan Robinson #212 @Pete Norquay #289 @wolfe @Tim Kennedy #88 @Todd Bosworth #28 @Gary Kipfer #9 We have 12 drivers for the Daytona 24 hours and have created 2 teams of 6 drivers. Each driver will run 2 stints of 2 hours each. We start at approximately 7:40 AM Eastern time on Saturday. We will create the schedule by Wednesday. I need to know if there are any times you CANNOT drive now. Thanks
I have a Race Track party from 5pm till probably Midnight(Central Time)
Gary Kipfer #9
@Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 @Edwin Post #79 @Eric Whiting @Jack Jagerman @Jamie Bray @Savitar87c @Nathan Robinson #212 @Pete Norquay #289 @wolfe @Tim Kennedy #88 @Todd Bosworth #28 @Gary Kipfer #9 We have 12 drivers for the Daytona 24 hours and have created 2 teams of 6 drivers. Each driver will run 2 stints of 2 hours each. We start at approximately 7:40 AM Eastern time on Saturday. We will create the schedule by Wednesday. I need to know if there are any times you CANNOT drive now. Thanks
Edwin Post #79 1/16/2023 11:54 PM
@Gary Kipfer #9 I’d like to finish up around 2:00am EST. That’s 10pm Saturday Alaska time. Break my stints as you see best.
Tim Kennedy #88 1/17/2023 12:00 AM
I have no time constraints.
👍 2
KCE Racing #3 1/17/2023 12:12 AM
Team signups are CLOSED………….
Eric Whiting 1/17/2023 10:26 AM
I will be available the whole 24hr. Spotting and driving (edited)
Gunna find a hosted server and start practicing in the Ferarri since i've never actually raced that car
10:41 AM
Is there any way for us to get the skin on trading paints?
KCE Racing #3 1/17/2023 10:41 AM
10:41 AM
I’ll post the link
Gunna find a hosted server and start practicing in the Ferarri since i've never actually raced that car
Todd Bosworth #28 1/17/2023 10:42 AM
Official practices should be open now
Oh ok let me look for that then
10:47 AM
Very nice!
KCE Racing #3 1/17/2023 10:47 AM
im team 1?
KCE Racing #3 1/17/2023 10:58 AM
Teams will be announced soon once we have all drivers respond if they have time constraints
copy, i'll just pic one for now then
KCE Racing #3 1/17/2023 10:59 AM
Yepper. The team lead sets the car for the teams for the race so no need to worry what you pick when you’re practicing. Pick the one you like 😉 (edited)
Mentioned above but just to have it here, I can only race later Saturday evening, through the night preferably. Sorry for the lack of flexibility team! @Gary Kipfer #9
ok loading into my first practice session….lets see how this Ferarri is!
👍 1
Todd Bosworth #28 1/17/2023 11:26 AM
11:26 AM
Yeah haw Jay!
very different than the Mercedes, starting to get better with it though
11:58 AM
Mentioned above but just to have it here, I can only race later Saturday evening, through the night preferably. Sorry for the lack of flexibility team! @Gary Kipfer #9
Gary Kipfer #9 1/17/2023 11:58 AM
No worries. You are not the only person. Its party of the scheduling.
so i ran the "R" setup
11:58 AM
felt pretty good but seems like iw as really slow
11:59 AM
was stuck in the 46s 47s
11:59 AM
I tried running the qualifying setup and was in the 45s
11:59 AM
is it just slow cuz its full fuel?
KCE Racing #3 1/17/2023 11:59 AM
speed is not the goal. Consistency is
👍🏻 1
copy that
12:00 PM
I was pretty comfortable with the R setup
12:00 PM
I didnt try the saffe setup as i think R is going to work
Yup consistency is key, also good to get out there and practice with the other class cars whipping around
seems liek theres an issue with our skin
12:04 PM
Have to set it to the correct paint preset
12:05 PM
That determines where the numbers are on the car
The nomber on the hood is sitting on the KCE picture, and the side number is white and doesnt show up
KCE Racing #3 1/17/2023 12:11 PM
the least of our worries but will be fixed.
12:12 PM
All team invites have been sent in IRacing. Please accept both invites to car 1 and car 2. Also make sure you friend Peter A. KopKo and Gary Kipfer in IRacing.
👍🏻 1
12:12 PM
As well you will friend Janice Tarson so the stream machine can find you. (edited)
KCE Racing #3 1/17/2023 12:16 PM
Yes that is me. and Janice is 519615
Gary Kipfer #9 1/17/2023 12:17 PM
@Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 @Edwin Post #79 @Eric Whiting @Jack Jagerman @Jamie Bray @Savitar87c @Nathan Robinson #212 @Pete Norquay #289 @wolfe @Tim Kennedy #88 @Todd Bosworth #28 @Gary Kipfer #9 Please reframe from racing any official road races that could potentially impact your Irating. We have the teams really close in Irating average in hopes of getting into the same split. (edited)
👍🏻 2
copy that i had no intention on running any. My irating is 1491 only cuz i dont really race offical races the last 3 years
12:19 PM
if i did i'm probably closer to 2-2500
Gary Kipfer #9 1/17/2023 12:23 PM
Most of us are in the same boat. I did 5 official races in 2022 and do not care to even go back.
Tim Kennedy #88 1/17/2023 1:38 PM
Invites accepted. I’m really digging Daytona road. Much more than I thought I would. Can’t wait for Saturday. It’s going to be a blast.
👍 1
Gary Kipfer #9 1/17/2023 1:42 PM
I love how technical the infield section is. All the corners are different. Special place for sure.
Tim Kennedy #88 1/17/2023 1:43 PM
I really enjoy the drafting aspect of it too. It’s unique for sure.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/17/2023 1:44 PM
And the bus stop is so evil.
please save at least 50 offtracks for me and the bus stop please
Gary Kipfer #9 1/17/2023 1:46 PM
Jack Jagerman 1/17/2023 1:48 PM
@Tim Kennedy #88 road racing?!? And likes it?!?! Fucking awesome!!!!!
Tim Kennedy #88 1/17/2023 1:48 PM
🤣 4
Jack Jagerman
@Tim Kennedy #88 road racing?!? And likes it?!?! Fucking awesome!!!!!
Tim Kennedy #88 1/17/2023 1:49 PM
I do like it but there are a few aspects that kill it for me and keep me from doing it on a regular basis. (edited)
Tim Kennedy #88
I do like it but there are a few aspects that kill it for me and keep me from doing it on a regular basis. (edited)
Jack Jagerman 1/17/2023 1:51 PM
Just come league racing and stay away from officials 🏁
Gary Kipfer #9 1/17/2023 1:53 PM
Or, quit your job and do league racing, official racing, and endurance racing. How can I sign up for that?
Jack Jagerman 1/17/2023 1:53 PM
Gary that’s called winning the lotto
Jack Jagerman
Just come league racing and stay away from officials 🏁
Tim Kennedy #88 1/17/2023 1:54 PM
I know it’s mostly just me being dumb but not having raced on a good number of tracks still it’s a big time commitment for me to get comfortable. I’m a perfectionist and need to feel competitive so that equals lots of practice laps.
Tim Kennedy #88
I know it’s mostly just me being dumb but not having raced on a good number of tracks still it’s a big time commitment for me to get comfortable. I’m a perfectionist and need to feel competitive so that equals lots of practice laps.
Jack Jagerman 1/17/2023 1:55 PM
That’s a high bar brother. But you do have a considerable amount of talent.
👍 2
Jack Jagerman
Just come league racing and stay away from officials 🏁
Todd Bosworth #28 1/17/2023 1:55 PM
1:56 PM
The sound of Ferrari,Daytona at night with our crew is the best thing on iRacing
Jack Jagerman 1/17/2023 1:57 PM
Just let me know when I need to put the plow on the front of it
🤣 1
Tim Kennedy #88
I know it’s mostly just me being dumb but not having raced on a good number of tracks still it’s a big time commitment for me to get comfortable. I’m a perfectionist and need to feel competitive so that equals lots of practice laps.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/17/2023 1:57 PM
We are trying to put all the endurance tracks on every league racing season. That should help us to get used and get better on those tracks. I think that is like 7 tracks. Daytona, Bathurst, Spa, Watkins Glen, Seabring, Suzuka, and Road Atlanta.
Jack Jagerman 1/17/2023 1:57 PM
Gary Kipfer #9 1/17/2023 1:58 PM
Gary Kipfer #9
And the bus stop is so evil.
The bus stop was wild last night. Every lap was different. The track itself in a GT3 is way different than it was last year
Gary Kipfer #9 1/17/2023 3:26 PM
@Michael Everhart @Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 @Edwin Post #79 @Eric Whiting #13 @Danny Vaughn #11 @Jamie Bray #99 @Jay Crabill #65 @Nathan Robinson #212 #15 @Pete Norquay #89 @Thomas Wolfe #23 @Tim Kennedy #88 @Todd Bosworth #28 @Gary Kipfer #9
3:28 PM
Here are the teams and schedule. You have 24 hours to let me know if a slot does not work for you. LETS HAVE FUN
3:29 PM
👍 6
3:34 PM
Small edit to team Bros.
Gary Kipfer #9
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Edwin Post #79 1/17/2023 3:35 PM
New bottle of Jack Fire in freezer … all ready here!
👍 1
Todd Bosworth #28 1/17/2023 3:40 PM
🤣 2
👍 1
3:40 PM
Me on my second stint
Edwin Post #79
New bottle of Jack Fire in freezer … all ready here!
Michael Everhart 1/17/2023 4:01 PM
I hope you have enough to pass around to everyone
💯 1
Todd Bosworth #28
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Eric Whiting 1/17/2023 5:36 PM
I'll probably still be up so no worries. We'll talk you through it😂
👍 1
Todd Bosworth #28
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Right there with you
Gary Kipfer #9 1/17/2023 5:50 PM
That is prime race time. You get to see the coveted sunrise at Daytona.
Love it
Michael Everhart
I hope you have enough to pass around to everyone
Edwin Post #79 1/17/2023 6:48 PM
Absolutely … Great Crew Chief!
Sour skittles are your friend for late night driving!
Gary Kipfer #9
Or, quit your job and do league racing, official racing, and endurance racing. How can I sign up for that?
Eric Whiting 1/17/2023 8:26 PM
THIS!!!! I want this
^ i second this
Gary Kipfer #9 1/18/2023 9:23 AM
The following people need to accept team invites for the 24 hours of Daytona or you cannot race. We want you to accept invites for BOTH cars. @Jack Jagerman Car 1, @Jamie Bray Car 1 & 2, @Nathan Robinson #212 Car 1 & 2, @Pete Norquay #289 Car 1, @Todd Bosworth #28 Car 2. Thanks
Nathan Robinson #212 1/18/2023 2:23 PM
My son's basketball game time has changed for Saturday. I will need to make a switch in my timeslot. If Eric is able I can switch with his time slots.
Gary Kipfer #9
The following people need to accept team invites for the 24 hours of Daytona or you cannot race. We want you to accept invites for BOTH cars. @Jack Jagerman Car 1, @Jamie Bray Car 1 & 2, @Nathan Robinson #212 Car 1 & 2, @Pete Norquay #289 Car 1, @Todd Bosworth #28 Car 2. Thanks
Jack Jagerman 1/18/2023 2:30 PM
2:30 PM
I’ll think about it
🤣 1
Nathan Robinson #212
My son's basketball game time has changed for Saturday. I will need to make a switch in my timeslot. If Eric is able I can switch with his time slots.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/18/2023 2:35 PM
Not a problem. Eric has indicated he has no restricted time.
2:37 PM
2:38 PM
@Eric Whiting Let me know if this still works for you. I swapped you and Nathan on both timeslots. I believe Eric already offered to help keep @Todd Bosworth #28 awake anyway.
👍 1
Jack Jagerman
I’ll think about it
Gary Kipfer #9 1/18/2023 2:39 PM
I think I know who will organize the next endurance race.
What is that Team name? Oh im saving that for blackmail lmao
Gary Kipfer #9
I think I know who will organize the next endurance race.
Jack Jagerman 1/18/2023 3:17 PM
Only if I have full plow authority in the first stint 🤣🤣
What is that Team name? Oh im saving that for blackmail lmao
Gary Kipfer #9 1/18/2023 3:19 PM
I initially thought of a different name for wives, but thought better of it.
Gary Kipfer #9
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Eric Whiting 1/18/2023 5:27 PM
Works for me. Lots of Mt Dew to keep me awake 😆 (edited)
Tim Kennedy #88 1/18/2023 7:50 PM
Hey Team Bros. I just cannot drive the Race setup. Im all over the place. And slow AF. I would really prefer not to wad it up for the rest of you guys. Im about 1-1.5 seconds quicker in the safe setup. Didn’t run a full fuel load but after 10 laps I was down to low 146’s. Sorry I just don’t have enough seat time in these cars to handle the looseness.
7:53 PM
I was able to drive find with the R setup, but i was also super slow. Runing 46s and 47s
7:55 PM
Just curious, I am subscribed to VRS…are you guys interested in trying their Daytona 24 setup they released tast week?
7:55 PM
Tim Kennedy #88 1/18/2023 7:58 PM
When I managed a clean lap I was in the low to mid 147’s. I was 146’s right out of the pits on the safe setup. I think these are the VRS sets. (edited)
Just curious, I am subscribed to VRS…are you guys interested in trying their Daytona 24 setup they released tast week?
Gary Kipfer #9 1/18/2023 8:01 PM
This is VRS Setups.
ah gotcha
we are racing with the R setup then?
Jamie Bray
we are racing with the R setup then?
well he's on Car 2, so maybe they run a different setup than us. I'm fine with the R setup
8:04 PM
any of you guys wanting to run some practice together tonight?
I can practice some later this evening if we want to
9 est?
8:17 PM
i'm down
8:17 PM
or 10est…just let me know when
Tim Kennedy #88 1/18/2023 8:26 PM
Gave the race another go. Adjusted the brake bias up and one click up on the TC and I am confident I can drive it without looping it. Safe was still faster for me though.
8:27 PM
I don’t particularly care for how it feels in the bus stop and entering the banking.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/18/2023 8:28 PM
I will test tomorrow and let you know my findings.
👍 1
I’ll probs practice at 10
If anybody wants to join the same practicce together hop on for the next 10 minutes then we'll find one to join. Im in practice channel
Jack Jagerman 1/18/2023 10:07 PM
I'm not a fan of the Ferrari. Prior to the updates, my best lap there was a low 1:44 – I am now 3 seconds off that time with the current car. It's loose at times and tight as fuck coming out of the bus stop. It will be an interesting race and I'll be shocked if I have anything to drive at 5:40am Sunday morning. (edited)
Eric Whiting 1/18/2023 10:26 PM
I ran the safe set for a full fuel run in 24 practice room tonight. By the end of the run I was running 1:46 flats with fastest lap 1:45.8 on low fuel. ABS down to 6 and starting brake bias 51. I lowered it to 50 near the end as I was trying some in car to help the car. The car feels slow and nose heavy on cold tires. It feels much better after 3-5 laps. I agree the bus stop is slow as it seems to understeer on the right hand turn through exit.
10:47 PM
my tires after 16 laps
10:47 PM
finally got into the 1:45.4 on lap 16 of my run
Lap times for @wolfe @Savitar87c @Eric Whiting and @Edwin Post #79
11:26 PM
we were all runing the R setup
Eric Whiting 1/18/2023 11:27 PM
My lap was only the 3rd timed lap of the run
got sub 145, no draft
12:48 AM
gnight! (edited)
12:49 AM
👍🏻 1
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 6:23 AM
Thanks to @Savitar87c we now have this posted in our social media. Kind of cool I think. Thank you Jay! "This Saturday January 21st KCE Racing will be in our first iRacing Special event of the year, the 24 Hours of Daytona. We will have two cars running this year with 12 of our league drivers. Make sure to join our live stream starting at 7:30 AM Eastern Time!" (edited)
👍 5
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 6:23 AM
💯 1
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 6:29 AM
Friday night 7:30 we will be having a team practice for the 24. Please meet in Practice voice channel if you can attend. This is for both cars as it does not matter where you are placed for this practice. We will go out into the open practices in individual cars and then at the end of the night have a team get in the car and swap drivers and go over spotting for someone. See you then if you can make it. (edited)
KCE Racing #3
Friday night 7:30 we will be having a team practice for the 24. Please meet in Practice voice channel if you can attend. This is for both cars as it does not matter where you are placed for this practice. We will go out into the open practices in individual cars and then at the end of the night have a team get in the car and swap drivers and go over spotting for someone. See you then if you can make it. (edited)
I can make it about 8:30.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 6:59 AM
Sounds good. See you then.
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 7:04 AM
We will be there
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 8:16 AM
@Pete Norquay #289 you must accept team 1 invite as well. Please do this ASAP.
Sorry Gary. We werent trying to make the laptimes a big deal, we were just sharing what we're learning. Several of us didnt have any experience with the Ferarri so we were just working together to learn.
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 8:27 AM
One of the hardest things doing these is getting a car everyone likes. With that said we see this every event where some like the setup and some don't. But being this event makes us deal with 6 different drivers with different driving styles and 6 different hardware (Wheels and Pedals) makes making everyone happy impossible. So the best you can do is get in the car and learn the car. Adjustments inside the car can be made to get you as comfortable as possible but big swings for 1 or 2 can't happen as that could throw off others. We do this for fun and comradery within the league and to be honest are more about the memories then the win. As well trust me half the field will wreck out in the first half so getting to the end with no damage is a top 10 or better. (edited)
The 4 of us that were practicing last night are starting to get the hang of it. I''m ready for the race, its not that bad!
👍 1
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 8:30 AM
It took me until the last 20 minutes of our race to get get my hands around the "New" Ferrari. So trust me I get it….. LOL
I think a few of us decided we're not going to run Xfinity tonight and we're actually going to run practice again tonight.
8:31 AM
Is that going to be a big deal if we're in the practice channel?
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 8:31 AM
I have thought about it. Not sure yet.
8:32 AM
Mine for other reasons though. Machine is giving me shit and need to work it out before Friday / Saturday
Well I think 4 or 5 of us will be practicing at 730 tonight, we'll be in the practice channel
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 8:44 AM
Made Daytona 24 channels. If you do that, use those.
8:45 AM
Let me know if you can't see them
nope, good to go boss
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 8:48 AM
8:49 AM
Trying to make sure Peter see this
KCE Racing #3
Mine for other reasons though. Machine is giving me shit and need to work it out before Friday / Saturday
Jack Jagerman 1/19/2023 8:50 AM
Funny, I had to quickly drop out of the practice session last night as my PC was overheating.
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 8:50 AM
@Pete Norquay #289 you must accept team 1 invite as well. Please do this ASAP.
Jack Jagerman
Funny, I had to quickly drop out of the practice session last night as my PC was overheating.
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 8:50 AM
Seriously IRacing hates my machine.
8:51 AM
I know no one will believe me but no problems before update. Now, ever since theres nothing I do that helps my machine run better (edited)
8:51 AM
I even did a fresh install if you recall
KCE Racing #3
I know no one will believe me but no problems before update. Now, ever since theres nothing I do that helps my machine run better (edited)
Jack Jagerman 1/19/2023 8:54 AM
I believe you
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 8:55 AM
Thank you because I'm loosing my mind……. It helps
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 9:04 AM
I ran the RACE setup for a full fuel run. It's a littletight and heavy at first, but gets loose towards the end. I felt I could run consistent lap times and not wreck the car. If your having troubles, adjust the brake bias up because it's starts pretty low. Here is my tire wear. LF 62 RF 76 LR 84 RR 82.
👍 2
9:05 AM
If you are going to practice today, I need full fuel runs and tire wear afterwards. Let me know how may incident points you got. Thanks.
Roger that, I have yet to run a full stint, my biggest so far was 16 laps. I'll make sure to do that tonight.
9:08 AM
How many laps is a full stint?
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 9:08 AM
about an hour if I'm not mistaken. Not sure laps for that
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 9:09 AM
It's about 29-30 laps depending on your fuel spend. (edited)
Think it is around 28 laps, I ran 27 consecutive laps last night and had a lap of fuel when I came in
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 9:09 AM
What he said
9:10 AM
And sorry for posting the lap times, was more of a measure of my confidence in the Ferrari/Setup, but traffic management, consistency are def top of mind! @Gary Kipfer #9
Curious, what was your laptome on final map Thomas?
9:11 AM
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 9:11 AM
I ran a full second faster on my last 10 laps.
Last 10 laps I ran 4 sub 145 laps, the lighter car plus just getting into a rhythm makes a difference
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 9:16 AM
Thats actually good news
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 9:31 AM
When you guys run today, let us know about any ABS, TC, and brake bias changes that helped. I am a novice when it comes to ABS/TC adjustments.
KCE Racing #3 1/19/2023 9:33 AM
turn it up and if you suck turn it back. Done!
👍 1
Is that going to be a big deal if we're in the practice channel?
I am good for tonight if you guys set one up
Yeah i think around 7:30 we will all join an offical practice session. Once we have everyone on we'll decide which one to join.
Gary Kipfer #9
I ran the RACE setup for a full fuel run. It's a littletight and heavy at first, but gets loose towards the end. I felt I could run consistent lap times and not wreck the car. If your having troubles, adjust the brake bias up because it's starts pretty low. Here is my tire wear. LF 62 RF 76 LR 84 RR 82.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 9:49 AM
I would highly recommend going into the Iracing Daytona practice servers. Hot lapping by yourself will not help you much on Saturday. That is what my laps were based on this morning.
9:50 AM
I am getting so jacked up for Saturday. I love endurance racing. Thank you @KCE Racing #3 for getting me hooked.
Tim Kennedy #88 1/19/2023 9:59 AM
Same Gary. Can’t wait.
KCE Racing #3
turn it up and if you suck turn it back. Done!
Tim Kennedy #88 1/19/2023 10:03 AM
🤣 1
10:03 AM
Turn everything to 11 😂
👍 1
Gary Kipfer #9
I would highly recommend going into the Iracing Daytona practice servers. Hot lapping by yourself will not help you much on Saturday. That is what my laps were based on this morning.
Jack Jagerman 1/19/2023 10:23 AM
Another option is using the AI to practice.
Tim Kennedy #88 1/19/2023 10:27 AM
How is the AI on road? On oval I find that they don’t seem to behave quite the same as IRL drivers. Like they can’t be bothered by physics or tire wear models or seem to be able to do simple math like when to pit.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 10:31 AM
If live drivers are available, that is what I prefer. The AI are predictable and easy to avoid contact.
I’m in the same page Gary, super excited for Saturday. Seeing everyone in my team as well as other teams get really jacked up for this event gets me pumped.
Gary Kipfer #9
If live drivers are available, that is what I prefer. The AI are predictable and easy to avoid contact.
Jack Jagerman 1/19/2023 10:35 AM
Depends on the settings. iRacing AI has come a long way in a short time.
Also seeing everyone else’s schedules helps me to know if I’m doing scheduling things on my end correctly too haha
Also seeing everyone else’s schedules helps me to know if I’m doing scheduling things on my end correctly too haha
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 10:44 AM
So you got stuck with the admin stuff. Lots of fun trying to get drivers to agree on a car, a setup, and a schedule.
Yup haha, also resident painter for the team too. Only 3 of us driving too so it’s gonna be crazy tight
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 10:47 AM
It's like hearding
Hahahahahaha exactly
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 10:47 AM
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 11:31 AM
My wife caught me cheating. I woke up at 6am for Daytona testing. Lol
Gary Kipfer #9
It's like hearding
Todd Bosworth #28 1/19/2023 12:20 PM
Soo what kind of cat am I Gary???
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 12:31 PM
12:31 PM
Todd Bosworth #28 1/19/2023 12:32 PM
Jack Jagerman 1/19/2023 1:46 PM
😂 3
1:46 PM
KoKo Cat lol
KCE Racing #3
@Pete Norquay #289 you must accept team 1 invite as well. Please do this ASAP.
Pete Norquay #289 1/19/2023 4:37 PM
👍 3
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 1/19/2023 6:19 PM
The engines rev and the tires spin As the drivers begin The iRacing Daytona 24 hour race With determination on their face They zoom around the track Their virtual cars never looking back As they try to outdo each other In this digital endeavor Some will crash and some will falter But the true champions will alter The course of the race And cross the finish line in first place The hours tick by as the race goes on And the drivers push their virtual cars to the dawn But in the end, only one will rise As the champion under the virtual skies So don't give up, no matter how tough Keep pushing, and you'll get that checkered puff
🔥 7
@wolfe you joining us for practice
8:08 PM
If anybody is joining us we're in session 884
I’ll be home in 10 min!
9:39 PM
9:39 PM
heres my full fuel run
10:25 PM
Heres a 1:44.8 that I ran, i recorded it incase anybody wants to see how I'm braking and running the lap
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 11:22 PM
Thanks Jay. Good info. Looks like we change tires every pit stop. It takes 40 seconds to take full fuel, but only 20 seconds to take 4 tires.
Edwin Post #79 1/19/2023 11:37 PM
From my test tonight I ran a 30 lap fuel run pitting on lap 31. 2x thru L31 backstretch when I was clipped, picked up 4x. Tire wear was LF-65%, RF-77%, LR-90%, RR-88%.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/19/2023 11:39 PM
Thanks Edwin.
11:40 PM
Keep up the good job buddy.
Edwin Post #79 1/19/2023 11:42 PM
Thanks! Getting good help in the test sessions.
I might practice at night tomorrow and see how the tires look after a stint. If they're only 70 on. Lf you might be able to double with the….interested in finding out
👀 1
Tim Kennedy #88 1/20/2023 7:27 AM
Is double stinting even worth it? Don’t they refuel and change tires at the same time now? (edited)
possibly at night, i'm not sure, but during the day no, not at all
KCE Racing #3 1/20/2023 8:11 AM
Not worth it
Michael Everhart 1/20/2023 8:42 AM
It's safer to just go ahead and replace tires on all pit stops. Fresh tires are much worth it then taking a chance just for an extra min or so
💯 3
Tim Kennedy #88 1/20/2023 9:44 AM
Just finished up a fuel run. Track Temp 93F. 30 laps. LF – 56 RF – 75 LR – 81 RR – 79
9:45 AM
I ran 53 brake bias at the start and was at 52 by the end of the run. TC 9. 1 x
9:46 AM
if there are any LMP2's in our splits, prepare for them to be dumb AF. at least half of them wrecked in front of me after an overtake. (edited)
👍 2
Tim Kennedy #88
if there are any LMP2's in our splits, prepare for them to be dumb AF. at least half of them wrecked in front of me after an overtake. (edited)
I hopped in the practice channel yesterday to mention this to the guys practicing last night. Did an imsa race in the gtp, they will come from a different zip code and go Mach shit into the side of you in the hairpin and then blame it on you. Hopefully those kinds only wreck their race in the first hour so you guys don’t have to worry about it for the rest of the day
Tim Kennedy #88 1/20/2023 10:03 AM
I think you have to hand over part of your brain in order to drive one of those.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/20/2023 10:04 AM
Thanks Tim.
I think I'll try changing the brake bias tonight….my last 2 practices I've run the setup as it came
10:20 AM
Is there any other changes you guys are making?
Michael Everhart 1/20/2023 10:28 AM
Guys remember it does not matter how fast we go. Staying on track running consistent laps times and having fun is way more important
👍 5
💯 3
Is there any other changes you guys are making?
KCE Racing #3 1/20/2023 10:42 AM
No other changes to the car except what people can do in the car
KCE Racing #3
No other changes to the car except what people can do in the car
yeah know, i get that, was just curious what in car adjustments people are making cuz i havent been making any
10:44 AM
my car seemed loose for the first 10 laps but then got better and faster later in the run, so i was curious what people are doing
Tim Kennedy #88 1/20/2023 11:05 AM
Putting the brakes forward a bit helps at least for me with that initial looseness. I think most of what I was feeling when I initially thought the setup was too loose was actually too much rear brake. For me the car is only loose on exit at In and Out entering the banking. (edited)
Tim Kennedy #88 1/20/2023 11:16 AM
I still think the safe setup is faster for the way I drive. I know we’re not supposed to be worried about lap times and I’m not but it’s also more stable. I think it handles the bus stop much better. But it’s has the word SAFE in it so maybe that means pussy. IDK. Curious if any one actually gave it a fair shakedown.
Yeah it was loose on corner exit for me, not entry
Gary Kipfer #9 1/20/2023 11:19 AM
I tried both Tim. I normally run a very low brake bias, so the Race setup felt better than Safe and I got more out of the car and less incident off tracks.
Tim Kennedy #88 1/20/2023 11:20 AM
Fair enough. I can do either. We all have different driving styles.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/20/2023 11:22 AM
That is the hard part. But we have our setup and its up to each driver to adapt to what we have. It is never a problem the day of the race, that is why we go with VRS setups. We did all of last year using them.
11:26 AM
11:29 AM
Tonight at 7:30-9:30 PM Eastern, we will be in the discord Daytona 24 Practice Voice Chat. If you never done a team event before, please show up so we can talk to you about spotting, driver swaps, how to join and leave the race sessions, etc. They are some do's and don'ts you need to be aware of. Its not hard, but its important.
11:31 AM
During the race, we like to have the next driver up, join at least 1 hour beforehand to spot. That way you can see which cars are the problem cars, traffic flow, general conversation, etc. We will do our best to keep the schedule as close as possible, but minor adjustments are always needed in a 24 hour event. (edited)
11:35 AM
One cardinal rule we have at KCE Racing. If you damage the car, you must pit and fix it on your driving time. You will never be allowed to hand over a damaged car to the next driver. Its not fair to them.
11:35 AM
I forgot we actually have two cardinal rules. LETS HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
💯 7
Eric Whiting 1/20/2023 3:35 PM
Gonna miss most if not all of practice tonight. Bros before wives is tomorrow so wife wants to meet friends for dinner tonight. Happy wife happy life.
Tim Kennedy #88 1/20/2023 4:20 PM
🤣 2
Tim Kennedy #88
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Eric Whiting 1/20/2023 6:33 PM
She gets me for a couple hours. We have the rest of the weekend to spend every minute together ❤️
Time to practice, lets go boys!
Restarting PC
7:46 PM
Sometimes discord messing up for me
Best of luck to all at Daytona! Represent.
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 1/20/2023 8:06 PM
Over in our stable car#1 is running 4th currently with Joey staats now behind the wheel. We are in split #4 and have been racing Adrian Fernandez's team from the start. We were third place at driver change from me to Joey. Car is great… Car#2 in a different split is currently 8th
👍 3
KCE Racing #3 1/21/2023 5:56 AM
Almost go time. Butterflies in the stomach and all. It’s a great day for racing.
🔥 6
Yee yee!!
6:41 AM
I'll be on shortly
Good luck, just got to work otherwise I would be on. Go get ‘em and have fun!!
No ones streaming the race?!
Pete Norquay #289 1/21/2023 7:10 AM
Not yet
Best of luck to you guys. Can't wait to get some experience and run with yall.
KCE Racing #3 1/21/2023 7:11 AM
Thank you. Should be interesting
Pete Norquay #289 1/21/2023 7:15 AM
The stream is up.
👍 1
Thanks Bro!
Best of luck to both KCE Racing cars! Good luck, have fun and give ‘em hell
The liveries are awesome!
Thanks guys
7:32 AM
we're both in the same split!
Eric Whiting 1/21/2023 7:32 AM
Good luck to @everyone racing in the Rolex 24 this weekend. (edited)
Tim Kennedy #88 1/21/2023 7:34 AM
am I joining Team 2?
Greg Ratliff #5 1/21/2023 7:34 AM
Good luck guys I'll be watching from time to time today
Ken Huff #246 1/21/2023 8:23 AM
Go get 'em guys! Good luck!
we're both in the same split!
Great job admins that put the teams together to make that happen. (edited)
Ray Smith #72 1/21/2023 10:25 AM
Good luck today guys.
Jack Jagerman 1/21/2023 10:38 AM
For clarification, I assume its the "KCE Racing" team I need to register and not "KCE Racing 2" the intern did a poor job naming them 🙂
10:39 AM
Or was it Bender's duties?
Gary Kipfer #9 1/21/2023 10:39 AM
One should say driver and the other only says crew chief.
Gary Kipfer #9
One should say driver and the other only says crew chief.
Jack Jagerman 1/21/2023 10:40 AM
Ohh I see that now, that's new.
Gary Kipfer #9 1/21/2023 10:41 AM
Its because we have everybody on each car this time as you suggested after the last race issue we had.
Gary Kipfer #9
Its because we have everybody on each car this time as you suggested after the last race issue we had.
Jack Jagerman 1/21/2023 10:42 AM
Yep, I remember. Maybe, KCE Racing Team KoKo an KCE Racing Team Kipfer would help my little feeble mind… I blame Covid.
🤣 1
Gary Kipfer #9 1/21/2023 11:02 AM
Maybe we name them Team 1 Danny this car and Team 2 Danny NOT this car.
Todd Bosworth #28 1/21/2023 11:03 AM
@Gary Kipfer #9 I heard Nathan say he is ending his stint early. Are we all moving up?
Nathan Robinson #212 1/21/2023 11:04 AM
Eric is just covering my time.
Todd Bosworth #28 1/21/2023 11:05 AM
Sounds good!
Todd Bosworth #28
@Gary Kipfer #9 I heard Nathan say he is ending his stint early. Are we all moving up?
Gary Kipfer #9 1/21/2023 11:07 AM
We are probably going to let Eric run a little extra to put us back on schedule. I will let you know if that changes.
You guys are doing great.
We're 4 and a half hours in and the sun is almost set. Car 1 is currentely sitting P25, while Car 2 is up to P11! Still got a long way to go, anything is possible! (edited)
12:19 PM
12:19 PM
👍 5
Todd Bosworth #28
Sounds good!
Gary Kipfer #9 1/21/2023 12:26 PM
We have been averaging about 50-55 minutes per fuel run. Right now we are 25 minutes ahead of schedule.
Todd Bosworth #28 1/21/2023 1:00 PM
6 Hours in Car 1 sits P22, Car 2 sits P9!!
Are yall running with VR?
8 Hours in Car 1 sits P19, Car 2 is P8! (edited)
Are yall running with VR?
Edwin Post #79 1/21/2023 4:06 PM
Jeez. I'll have mine in about 19 weeks.
Edwin Post #79 1/21/2023 4:08 PM
very immersive experience! been racing vr for ~1-1/2 yrs. love it
Will be home by 6:30! Looking good guys 👍
What position we in
Michael Everhart 1/21/2023 6:47 PM
Let's gooo!
✅ 2
Jman (🎲M. Cauthon 🐦⬛🎲) 1/21/2023 6:49 PM
think i might sit in at lemans , i just gotta work on my irating
💯 2
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/21/2023 9:22 PM
Team 1 is about 40 or 45 minutes ahead of schedule. Please be ready to race 45 minutes early if at all possible.
You guys are gettin it done!
👍 1
Just got done with my banquet heading home
9:45 PM
When is my stint
Gary Kipfer #9 1/21/2023 9:46 PM
We are running early if you can make.
How long
9:46 PM
15m home and I gotta poop real quick
😆 1
Gary Kipfer #9 1/21/2023 9:46 PM
At least an hour
Perf I'll be good to go see you guys shortly
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 1/21/2023 9:53 PM
Good luck in the overnight hours drivers….. hammer down
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/21/2023 9:53 PM
you too Ed
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 1/21/2023 9:56 PM
We did yesterday's race koko…..we done. I'm waisted. I personally Eneded up doing the most Laps of the entire lobby at 350….1,330 miles worth… we finished p4 in split 3. We were p2 when we got ran over by the field dildo of the event. Fought back to p4 finish. (edited)
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/21/2023 9:57 PM
Congrats man. Great run. Always one dildo in the drawer
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 1/21/2023 9:57 PM
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/21/2023 9:58 PM
We got reported when an asshat hit Thomas.
9:58 PM
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 1/21/2023 9:58 PM
No time loss from driver changes really changed this as well… being a three driver car was no advantage
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/21/2023 9:59 PM
The gas and tires at the same leveled it out?
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 1/21/2023 10:00 PM
Yeah… before. U would lose almost a minute via just the driver swap… now driver swap is done before tires and gas
10:00 PM
So your 6 driver crew should not be a time disadvantage…. it's basically just a regular stop now
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/21/2023 10:01 PM
10:01 PM
well get some rest bud
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 1/21/2023 10:01 PM
We took tires every stop. Made no sense not too.
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/21/2023 10:01 PM
yep. we are too
Ed "Larson" Adams #205 1/21/2023 10:01 PM
Good luck…. avoid the zombies
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/21/2023 10:01 PM
Great job Ed!
Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 1/21/2023 11:01 PM
@Pete Norquay #289 you may be going on early by 40 minutes so please jump on if you can.
11:03 PM
Posting my number in case anyone needs it. 412-916-5048
Jack Jagerman 1/21/2023 11:24 PM
So we are WAY off schedule and apparently there may be a gap – here's my number 731-313-5000.
6 and 1/2 Hours left, Car 1 is currentely sittin P13, while Car 2 is up to P5!!!
Edwin Post #79 1/22/2023 1:23 AM
Cleared from driving …. Cheers!!
👍 6
🔥 3
Did that Sanchez guy make it?
7:14 AM
The lone team
7:14 AM
Gary Kipfer #9 1/22/2023 7:14 AM
7:15 AM
Stop at 209 laps
Looks like a lot of ground was made while I was snoozin. You guys did amazing!
Be the smart one.
👍🏻 1
7:32 AM
👍🏻 1
Man, Tom is making up all kinds of time on P2
6 laps behind them, so unfortunately that is over with only 8 minutes to go
I was gonna ask after why its +6 (edited)
7:34 AM
-6 I get.
Just got up. You guys are amazing. Almost home!
You had a great run last night Todd. I was watching yall for like 6 hours yesterday
The other Todd was the one driving. LOL!
7:36 AM
Imma just go off yalls numbers then lmao
7:37 AM
Oh that's right, you are the Toadman
7:37 AM
Too easy
7:39 AM
Both team cars in top 10 is some awesome shit!
Man todd made up 8 seconds in like 10 minutes.
7:42 AM
Thats impressive man.
7:43 AM
Good Job guys! That was a hell of an event. I felt like I was right there with ya in some points.
Thanks bud!
Alright, so whos up for 100 laps at Talladega? 😂
24 Hours officially Over. Car 2 finished P3, Car 1 finished P10!! What a race!!!
🙌 3
Jack Jagerman 1/22/2023 7:50 AM
🏁 17
🔥 15
Ray Smith #72 1/22/2023 7:58 AM
Outstanding boys. KCE is the bomb.
👍 4
KCE Racing #3 1/22/2023 7:59 AM
Saving replay so discord I can’t talk or hear until it’s done because it’s huge
👍 2
are you able to put that replay in a google drive?
Michael Everhart 1/22/2023 8:12 AM
Michael Everhart
Great job spoting for everyone all day and Nick
8:15 AM
So proud of our Car….to go from P41 several laps down 2 hours in and to come home P10….that's amazing
8:15 AM
Fantastic work everyone, and congrats to Car 2 on your amazing race. You guys rock!!
👍 2
Great job all!! Great podium team 2 and great comeback team 1. Through much adversity on both teams, we brought them both home in the top 10. You guys are awesome
George Dibble #94 1/22/2023 8:36 AM
Wow great job guys, that’s awesome
#20 Ken Huber 1/22/2023 9:19 AM
good job guys!
Edwin Post #79 1/22/2023 12:29 PM
Thanks KCE Racing for another Over The Top League event! Great team effort!
you killed it Edwin!
Edwin Post #79 1/22/2023 12:37 PM
Very happy…. My SR went to 4.99. That’s what Gary predicted it’d do.
12:39 PM
Lots of help from you too @Savitar87c
any time brother!
Greg Ratliff #5 1/22/2023 12:58 PM
Congrats to all the drivers and the people responsible for putting an event like this together great job KCE! 3rd and 10th impressive
👍🏻 3
Robert Ernspiker Jr #248 1/22/2023 4:49 PM
Was checking in on the stream. Congrats great race both teams and great comeback team #1 (edited)
👍🏻 3
I was still lapping faster than them 🙂
4:57 PM
Still dumb
A real Champion
Gary Kipfer #9
I winner in our split was two accounts that tanked their irating from 3500 to about a thousand.
George Dibble #94 1/24/2023 5:39 PM
Is this the same group that had an illegal quali run?
Gary Kipfer #9 1/24/2023 5:41 PM
No, the illegal quali was the top split Williams team.
George Dibble #94 1/24/2023 5:42 PM
👍 1
Eric Whiting 1/24/2023 6:03 PM
I know that Sebring is 2 months away and not even the next endurance race for the team but wanted to share this before I forgot about it https://youtu.be/exolV3BTzeg. Ross is a real life driver coach for Colin Braun and other drivers. He also hosts Speed Secrets Podcast and discusses driving techniques and strategies
https://youtu.be/9ERNp02MHdQ Little clip from D24, catching and passing for p3!
👍 5
💯 1
Great video!
Todd Bosworth #28 1/26/2023 4:18 PM
Even though the 24 was just last week this video still gets me excited. There's just something about Daytona
Always been my best Special event
4:20 PM
2nd, 1st, 10th my last 3 starts at Daytona
🔥 2
Do you guys run Nurburgring too?
Daytona is a favorite event of mine, 30th last year, p9 this year. Had a bunch of pit time in the first 6 hours, managed to climb it all the way back through the night. Such a great feeling to finish higher than anticipated
Do you guys run Nurburgring too?
Lol I was practicing it in the gt4 last night just in case I feel like running it this year
Its an interesting track
4:38 PM
after the first 3 or 4 hours go buy you can go whole stints without passing another car
Lol that’s what Daytona felt like at the end in my split, half the field ran out of talent
after the first 3 or 4 hours go buy you can go whole stints without passing another car
Tim Kennedy #88 1/26/2023 5:45 PM
Is it the GP + Nordschleife?
Todd Bosworth #28
Even though the 24 was just last week this video still gets me excited. There's just something about Daytona
Tim Kennedy #88 1/26/2023 5:49 PM
I’m ready to do it again!
Tim Kennedy #88
Is it the GP + Nordschleife?
Yep! I think iracing gives a discount if you buy both too
Tim Kennedy #88 1/26/2023 6:20 PM
I’m going to need lots of practice for that one. Active reset is gonna get a workout.
it takes a long time to learn it
7:28 PM
100+ corners
7:30 PM
and the lap time difference between fast cars and slow cars is insane
7:31 PM
I'd go as fast as i can and run an 8m 22s and dudes are out there running 8 minutes flat or hight 7min. I was 30 seconds off pase last time i ran there
Tim Kennedy #88 1/26/2023 7:33 PM
I somewhat know it but it’s been a while. Never in iRacing or the gt3 though.
Oh shii
Tim Kennedy #88 1/27/2023 2:22 PM
Ban hammer dropping. Good for iRacing. I didn’t think they’d do it. They should also ban team Williams from the next event.
Robert Ernspiker Jr #248 1/27/2023 2:41 PM
Thats what they get for cheating
Do I understand correctly what they did. Did they tank their irating so they were in a lower split and then one of their two cars was wrecking people so the other could win?
Tim Kennedy #88 1/27/2023 2:50 PM
No. They were in top split. The lmp driver ran the apron to qualify. And they had 2 gt3 cars. The second gt3 car was intentionally blocking the leaders to help car 1
What a joke man haha
2:54 PM
The best part was when they played victim after the fact too
👍 3
Did not see this one
Jack Jagerman 1/27/2023 10:32 PM
Yeah that “statement” he referred to was the Williams guy saying basically “they didn’t break any rules” Lmao
Edwin Post #79 1/31/2023 12:59 AM
So what actions did they take? What have they done to keep it from happening again?
1:02 AM
Their statement says nothing of enforcing so called Williams Esports values
Eric Whiting 1/31/2023 6:25 PM
Suspension ranging from 4 weeks to indefinitely for team members of Williams eSports
Gary Kipfer #9 2/2/2023 9:10 AM
@Members @Tim Kennedy #88 @Gary Kipfer #9 @KCE Racing #3 @Michael Everhart @Todd Bosworth #28 @Pete Norquay #289 @Jack Jagerman @wolfe If you plan on running the 12 hours at Bathurst with us, please give a thumbs up in this post. Saturday morning 2/11 from 7:40 am ET to 7:40 pm ET. (edited)
👍 8
👎 1
9:12 AM
@KCE Racing #3 Can you provide the setups?
Gary Kipfer #9
@Members @Tim Kennedy #88 @Gary Kipfer #9 @KCE Racing #3 @Michael Everhart @Todd Bosworth #28 @Pete Norquay #289 @Jack Jagerman @wolfe If you plan on running the 12 hours at Bathurst with us, please give a thumbs up in this post. Saturday morning 2/11 from 7:40 am ET to 7:40 pm ET. (edited)
Jack Jagerman 2/2/2023 9:17 AM
Four Wide is scheduled for that morning so schedule will need consideration for me and KoKo
Gary Kipfer #9 2/2/2023 9:20 AM
I can only do morning. I'm sure myself and Tim can get us started.
Jack Jagerman 2/2/2023 9:24 AM
My need to look and see if it is feasible for me if schedule is an issue. The livestream is the priority for me that day.
Gary Kipfer #9 2/2/2023 9:25 AM
You can take anchor.
Tim Kennedy #88 2/2/2023 9:28 AM
I can drive whenever. No time constraints.
Savitar87c 2/2/2023 9:58 AM
I just signed up. I can race first or second stint to cover anybody doing the podcast
9:59 AM
What's the plan for this? Are we going to have multiple three driver cars or are you going to have more drivers per car?
KCE Racing #3 2/2/2023 10:00 AM
WE first see whos interested then we will work out the details
10:00 AM
Just hoping we can get both war turtle drivers on the same car if possible
KCE Racing #3 2/2/2023 10:01 AM
We can not guarantee that
10:01 AM
We go and match IRatings IF there are multiple cars
Gary Kipfer #9 2/2/2023 10:01 AM
We do it based off irating. If you want to race with your teammate, you might want to consider putting a team together yourself.
No it's all good brothers I understand how it works. Thanks for filling me in
10:03 AM
Excited to see how we do as a league again! Let's go for that top five!
Gary Kipfer #9
Slowdown penalty added to Daytona banked apron.
KCE Racing #3 2/2/2023 11:53 AM
I can see problems with this but it's kind of what I said on "4 wide with coffee" presented by KCE Racing
Edwin Post #79 2/2/2023 12:58 PM
Going to pass on the Bathurst race. Have commitments on that Saturday. Awesome track! Hopefully I can make the 1000 at Bathurst.
Gary Kipfer #9 2/2/2023 2:31 PM
It just says banked apron.
Eric Whiting 2/3/2023 9:49 AM
BoP for next weekend 12hr at Bathurst
9:51 AM
https://youtu.be/VWh5fWptyjk. Track and strategy guide that was just posted a couple days ago for Bathurst also
Eric Whiting
BoP for next weekend 12hr at Bathurst
Jack Jagerman 2/3/2023 9:54 AM
9:54 AM
Where does iRacing come up with these numbers?!? Completely different from Daytona 24hr.
KCE Racing #3 2/3/2023 9:58 AM
They spin the wheel of doom.
9:58 AM
Jack Jagerman
Where does iRacing come up with these numbers?!? Completely different from Daytona 24hr.
Eric Whiting 2/3/2023 11:14 AM
Unique engine/chassis configurations across manufacturers makes one car better than others at particular tracks. You should know better than anyone after doing the video of each GT3 prior to the season. (edited)
🤣 1
11:16 AM
Could you imagine being the guys testing to figure all this out. You'd have to be able to run full fuel runs without crashing for each car then make an adjustment and go again to get full results
Hope it pays well hahaha
Eric Whiting
Could you imagine being the guys testing to figure all this out. You'd have to be able to run full fuel runs without crashing for each car then make an adjustment and go again to get full results
Tim Kennedy #88 2/3/2023 11:42 AM
There is no way they are spending those kind of man hours. It’s got to be through AI or some other software to run simulated races.
KCE Racing #3 2/3/2023 11:45 AM
We did this for our GT3 series and kept coming up with the same results. To do it right we would have to bop each car for each race dependent on track. This is why we moved to a single car gt3 series some time ago and to be honest the only way to have a fair gt3 series. If you recall that’s why we had a season for testing that made you stay in one car for the season. But that didn’t really work either because one car was better then the others at more races and fucked that up too.
Matt Haerle 2/4/2023 3:31 PM
Do you guys want a setup from Craig's setup shop for Bathurst, so you guys have more to choose from for setup?
Gary Kipfer #9
@Members @Tim Kennedy #88 @Gary Kipfer #9 @KCE Racing #3 @Michael Everhart @Todd Bosworth #28 @Pete Norquay #289 @Jack Jagerman @wolfe If you plan on running the 12 hours at Bathurst with us, please give a thumbs up in this post. Saturday morning 2/11 from 7:40 am ET to 7:40 pm ET. (edited)
Michael Everhart 2/4/2023 4:32 PM
I got my wheel to where I can drive with it. I put my name in the hat. As long as my other problem (mother in law) stays the way she is I should be able to run. I will leave up to you and the team to say yes or no…..
👍 1
Gary Kipfer #9 2/4/2023 4:46 PM
Good to hear Mike. Your in buddy. (edited)
4:48 PM
Matt Haerle
Do you guys want a setup from Craig's setup shop for Bathurst, so you guys have more to choose from for setup?
KCE Racing #3 2/4/2023 5:03 PM
No thanks
5:03 PM
We are good.
Michael Everhart 2/4/2023 10:40 PM
Crap wheel still giving too much trouble. going to do some practice with the nascar wheel… will let you know
🤬 1
KCE Racing #3 2/5/2023 7:26 AM
Good morning. Rare footage of @Michael Everhart practicing Bathurst after fixing his wheel. https://www.facebook.com/reel/971723410652724?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0NULKw
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
👍 2
😂 1
Michael Everhart 2/5/2023 9:04 AM
Well the McLaren wheel has the TJ rule….. only time it acts up is when it turns right….. Nascar wheel is good to go. Turning low 210's… I am pretty sure that I can dial it in more.
🤣 1
9:05 AM
If anyone wants me to I will be more than glad to set up some practice today. Just let me know what time
Michael Everhart
If anyone wants me to I will be more than glad to set up some practice today. Just let me know what time
Jamie Bray 2/5/2023 9:07 AM
I would probably jump on if you throw one up. Having some issues myself that I am trying to figure out. FPS issues and I shouldn’t be having them
Michael Everhart 2/5/2023 9:09 AM
most of us last night were having FPS issues… both at Indy and Bathurst… I normally run between 1800-200, at Bathurst I was down to as low as 60, top of the mountain seem the worse
Jamie Bray 2/5/2023 9:18 AM
Just like before if you guys happen to need another driver I can hop in after 5pm. If you guys are good I will catch the next one. Have to work that day.
Michael Everhart
most of us last night were having FPS issues… both at Indy and Bathurst… I normally run between 1800-200, at Bathurst I was down to as low as 60, top of the mountain seem the worse
Jamie Bray 2/5/2023 9:34 AM
Yeah I was struggling too at both. I reached out to Koko for help, I was stumped and I consider myself somewhat tech savvy. Was talking to Greg and Tony last night and both of them saw a dip too. (edited)
Jamie Bray
Just like before if you guys happen to need another driver I can hop in after 5pm. If you guys are good I will catch the next one. Have to work that day.
Gary Kipfer #9 2/5/2023 10:05 AM
It's only a 12 hour race. 5 pm puts you already on the last 2 hours of the race. Probably cutting it too close.
👍 1
Tim Kennedy #88 2/5/2023 10:52 AM
With 9 guys available are we looking at 2 or 3 teams?
I feel like if we did 2 it would mean everyone really only drives once on 1 of the cars with 5 drivers
Michael Everhart
If anyone wants me to I will be more than glad to set up some practice today. Just let me know what time
I would be down for some praccy later
Gary Kipfer #9 2/5/2023 11:19 AM
Tim, myself, and koko will decide. We will announce once we have the teams decided. Some guys have a certain time they can race and that will have to be accounted for. It's never easy as doing math.
Michael Everhart 2/5/2023 12:21 PM
Do you all have the race set up yet?
Michael Everhart
Do you all have the race set up yet?
Gary Kipfer #9 2/5/2023 12:57 PM
We have to make sure we grab it after the BOP adjustments because it could change a little after that.
12:58 PM
It's not like any of us are Aliens.
12:58 PM
the site said its covered for the BoP
KCE Racing #3 2/5/2023 1:15 PM
I will post the setup being used. Please let Gary and I coordinate efforts to lessen the confusion.
KCE Racing #3 2/6/2023 11:22 AM
All Here are the setup files we will be using for the Bathurst 12 HR. We will use the R1_V1 unless otherwise instructed. I am only posting the 3 files in case we run into problems with the R1. In that case we would roll back to R1_SAFE_V1. Can't wait this should be an exciting weekend.
❤️ 2
When do we plan to start doing some team practices? Wednesday?
KCE Racing #3 2/6/2023 11:30 AM
You have the files now so you should be doing individual practice. We normally have team practice sometimes on Wednesday and our main practice on Friday before the event
Gary Kipfer #9 2/6/2023 12:15 PM
We will be using the R1_V1 race setup. Do not even try safe, its not safe. LOL. Thanks Tim.
Tim Kennedy #88 2/7/2023 7:52 AM
I’ll be unavailable from 3-5 pm on Saturday.
👍 1
Tim Kennedy #88 2/7/2023 1:31 PM
Full Stint Test: started off at 5am sim time in complete darkness. Beginning Track Temp: 70F Ending Track Temp: 70F Laps: 27 Total Time: 57 min 52 sec (includes full pit stop and time to box) Fastest Lap: 2:05:017 Ave Lap: 2:06.294 1x (I'm pissed about this. happened on next to last lap) It was total darkness for most of the stint. The sun started coming up the last 5 laps or so which was pretty cool.
Gary Kipfer #9 2/7/2023 1:32 PM
Good info. The almost 1 hour stint time will make the schedule making easy.
Tim Kennedy #88 2/7/2023 1:32 PM
1:33 PM
I bumped up TC to 9 and brake bias to 52.6%
Gary Kipfer #9 2/7/2023 1:33 PM
Thanks Tim. This information is valuable to the team.
Tim Kennedy #88 2/7/2023 1:34 PM
My pleasure.
1:34 PM
back to "work" now
🤣 1
@Tim Kennedy #88 what did you have BB, TC, and ABS at?
@Tim Kennedy #88 what did you have BB, TC, and ABS at?
Tim Kennedy #88 2/7/2023 3:48 PM
BB – 52.6 TC – 9 ABS – no changes I believe it was 10
Eric Whiting 2/7/2023 6:03 PM
If fuel was set to 2-3 you might get 1 more lap over a fuel run possibly saving an extra stop at the end of the race. Current pace from Tim times is 12.41 stints. If you could save yourself the .41 over 12hrs it's possibly a position or 2 gained on track without the stop. Might be worth testing.
6:05 PM
You would have to weigh it against the lap time lost (if any)
Savitar87c 2/7/2023 6:05 PM
i learned last night that you can actually lift and coast pretty early into turn 2.
Eric Whiting 2/7/2023 6:07 PM
Even more fuel saved which makes this easier.
Tim Kennedy #88 2/7/2023 6:12 PM
I think I had .6gal left in the tank after 27 so it wouldn’t even be a full lap we’d need to save.
👍 1
Eric Whiting 2/7/2023 6:18 PM
Just trying to think outside the box a bit and help the team even though I can't be there
Tim Kennedy #88 2/7/2023 6:41 PM
It’s also possible that as the track heats up and lap times go down we wouldn’t have to save much if at all.
Gary Kipfer #9 2/7/2023 6:42 PM
You are also going to be in traffic. That will slow you down some.
Tim Kennedy #88 2/7/2023 6:45 PM
Gary Kipfer #9 2/7/2023 6:45 PM
Did you see the new team names?
Tim Kennedy #88 2/7/2023 6:46 PM
Omg. Amazing 🤣
Gary Kipfer #9 2/7/2023 6:47 PM
We did for @Jack Jagerman , car 1 and car 2 confused him.
Tim Kennedy #88 2/7/2023 6:48 PM
A diet of crayons will do that
Gary Kipfer #9
We did for @Jack Jagerman , car 1 and car 2 confused him.
Jack Jagerman 2/7/2023 6:54 PM
Savitar87c 2/7/2023 7:20 PM
can i sign up for team dump truck
7:21 PM
going to be a wild race i'm pretty sure
Jack Jagerman 2/7/2023 7:43 PM
Although the names are good, I was thinking it could've been "Mr. Gary's Wild Ride" and "Ka-Ka-Ka-KoKo and the Jets"
🤣 4
Where have these pedals been my whole life??????
😳 2
12:42 AM
Won't push this hard during race, just trying to retrain my legs for new pedals (edited)
Greg Ratliff #5 2/8/2023 6:41 AM
@wolfe knew you would like those pedals
Where have these pedals been my whole life??????
Robert Ernspiker Jr #248 2/8/2023 8:33 AM
Just starting to get used to mine and got them on black friday.
👍 1
Tim Kennedy #88 2/8/2023 12:17 PM
BOP was updated again. The Ferrari is now at -1.5% power and -2% fuel.
Gary Kipfer #9 2/8/2023 12:20 PM
Damn Iracing. Trying to ruin our recent successes.
😆 1
The Beemer says hi
Tim Kennedy #88 2/8/2023 12:27 PM
The bimmer is at -2.5% power
merc has entered the chat
Tim Kennedy #88 2/8/2023 12:27 PM
I saw a dude doing 2:03’s in the Ford.
Oh well, I'm just going to be riding anyways. Bop means nothing
KCE Racing #3 2/8/2023 12:29 PM
I will post v2 of setups once I confirm and name.
Eric Whiting 2/8/2023 12:46 PM
Seems a bit late in the game to change the BoP. First splits go off in just over 48hrs.
Gary Kipfer #9 2/8/2023 1:38 PM
@wolfe @Savitar87c @Pete Norquay #289 @Jack Jagerman @Gary Kipfer #9 @Todd Bosworth #28 @Tim Kennedy #88 @Pete "KoKoPuffs" KopKo #3 We are going to put the teams together today. Please do not race any road official races until after the endurance race. We are going to try and match Irating to get both teams in the same split.
Todd Bosworth #28 2/8/2023 1:44 PM
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